<of Faerlina>
is a brand new guild, formed on November 9, 2019 for those who had a late start in Classic or have decided they made a mistake with hair styles, factions, servers, and would like to be Horde on Faerlina.
While are not aiming to be a safe-space for SJWs, we are also not promoting a toxic environment. Stream-friendly conversation is fine, meaning no overt racism, or unwelcome overly sexualized commentary is desired.
We are not pushing for world-first, at the moment, but are expecting players to know their classes, optimal builds, and roles, and/or do the required research, while continually striving to improve, and contribute to the guild as a whole. This includes helping others perform better, and running content together to help promote our guild reputation on the server, as well as our raid and BG preparedness.
Raid Schedule
NOTE: First raid date is not yet scheduled but we are shooting for mid-December. Some active members may not have achieved max level by then. Their spots will be subbed by PuGs if that is the case.
Tuesdays: 9PM server time (Eastern)
Wednesdays and Mondays will be added if/when content demands additional time, with Mondays being optional for core raid members.
Current Recruitment Needs
Hunter: high
Mage: high
Warlock: high
Rogue: high
- tank: medium
- dps: high
- Feral (tank): medium
- Feral (dps): low
- Resto: high
- Balance: low
- Resto: high
- Enh: med
- Ele: low
- Shadow: medium
- Holy: high
- Disc: low
Currently recruiting for officer, raid lead/group bis-farm lead, recruiters, and pre-made BG leads as well.
Raid Gear Distribution
loot council
Message Snipy or Drewbro on Faerlina or join our Discord
for more information.