Something is wrong with warriors

Naw, i’ll wait for YOU to post a link and quote a passage. Im waiting.

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So you think posting a link and falsely claiming it says something it doesnt shifts the burden of proof to me?

Sorry but thats not how the world works my dude.

No, but you making the claim that yellow attacks are on a 1 hit table has put the burdon of proof on you. You have failed to meet it.

Furthermore, several people have all ready shown over many different sources and types of data to show that yellow attacks are on a two table roll.

And just for you:
Melee special attacks, also called "Yellow-damage" melee attacks due to the color of their on-screen damage numbers, are not resolved the same way as white-damage melee attacks.

A first roll to determine whether the attack missed (using the assumed miss chance for the mob targets he was attacking), and a second roll to determine whether an attack that didn't miss was a critical hit (using his tooltip Crit chance adjusted for the mob target's level)

It is time to see how intellectually dishonest you can be now.


You accuse me of being intellectually dishonest while selectively editing a quote, which I knew was coming which is why I was waiting to see how you’d twist what the link said.

Nice try I guess…?

The way WoW calculates crit rate is over ALL attacks. Crit rate is not based on hits only. In other words, if you have a 5% crit rate, that 5% chance includes misses

Deliberately and maliciously intellectually dishonest.


You’re embarassing yourself



So you’re not gonna reply to my quote? Emojis is the best you can do? Can’t say I’m surprised

This game is easy. You’re not going to post a link showing that yellow attacks are on a single hit table? Can’t say I’m surprised.

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For melee and ranged attacks, the game uses the attack table seen to the left. The table is laid out in descending order of the **precedence** of one attack result over another. That is to say, the entries at the top of the table take precedence over the entries below them. Melee and ranged attacks are resolved in a single server-side "die roll" to decide what happens. Spell attacks follow different rules than melee/ranged attacks, and require multiple server-side die rolls.

## Dev confirmation of single roll attack table

1:34 PM - 25 Jul 2014

@Celestalon Can you confirm that melee attacks in WoD still use a "single roll" attack table as has been theorized?

@Azazial Yes, they do.

Oh, you cannot tell the difference between modern WoW attack tables and Classic WoW attack tables.



Now who’s being intellectually dishonest?

## Removing Multiple Attack roll theory

I feel it is time for the multiple attack roll theory to be removed from this page. The conventional wisdom among experienced raiders is that the single attack roll theory is correct. Assumptions based on the single attack roll theory have withstood testing. DaveTheJackal has been the only skeptic for a while, and his objections are trivial. Thoughts or comments? [Emit]( 18:29, 9 April 2007 (EDT)

I agree. We KNOW <wink> it's one roll for a standard melee swing or standard ranged attack.

[Beaza]( 8:33, 17 April 2007 (PDT)

OK, I've removed the multi roll theory. It was based mostly on backstab testing, which we've established is controlled by another algorithm. This is the page only for pc auto attack and monster melee attacks, with the implication that special moves may be similiar. [Emit]( 11:53, 7 May 2007 (EDT)

They changed the attack table in WoD. It says so right in that tweet. Rofl.

You cant really be this stupid right? Riiiight?

You cant really be this stupid? Riiight?

Ok. Well I provided multiple quotes from blizz devs proving you wrong. You’ve been sufficiently dumpstered and dont appear to have anything left to offer so I guess we’re done here?

Better luck next time

When an attack occurs, the game performs a single check against the hit table (rolls a die, metaphorically speaking), and picks the corresponding outcome. It does *not* , as some people had hypothesized, perform one check to determine whether you hit at all, and another to determine whether that hit crits. Thus, if your character sheet reads 20% chance to crit, you will crit 20% of your attacks (less depending on your targets' Defense and Resilience), not just 20% of the attacks you land.