Something is wrong with warriors

Only if you’re incapable of understanding they changed the formula.

Melee special attacks, also called "Yellow-damage" melee attacks due to the color of their on-screen damage numbers, are not resolved the same way as white-damage melee attacks.

“Melee attacks” are not the same thing as “melee special attacks”

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Wow you’re really not smart… I’m starting to feel a little bad for you

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Its talking about auto attacks specifically and that is indeed how auto attacks work in Classic WoW.

Lets have a look a Polls, one of his BWL complete raid parses just for example.

Ok, in his complete raid parse where you have a sample set big enough to weed out bad RNG, you see.

39.6% crit for melee with a 13.21% miss rate. We know that auto attacks are a single roll system so we can infer that his in raid crit rate is fairly close to 39.6%

Now, if indeed special attacks used a single roll like you claim his Backstab should have a 69.6%% crit rate regardless of his chance to be dodged by the boss based on his active crit rate, because Backstab has a bonus 30% power adder.

Unfortunately he does not have a 69.6% crit run on backstab, he’s got a 63.5% crit run on backstab because he got dodged a lot. He was dodged 6.59% of the time according to his log.

If you simply ADD the 6.59% dodged attacks to the 63.5% crit rate on backstab you get ~70% That’s within 1% window of where it ought to be.

So far you have done nothing but say I am wrong. Show me the data on any parse that shows special attacks are somehow being treated like auto swings. I am perfectly willing to listen. If I was not willing I would not be here showing you the data since you say I am so wrong about it.

Who knows, maybe warriors get some sort of magical special treatment on their attacks and you are a warrior main saying nu-uh, but thus far you have provided zero data.

If indeed all special attacks are suppose to use a single roll, then how come the data shows that they do not for the Rogue class?

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So you’re entire conclusion is based on backstab testing… and yet.

OK, I've removed the multi roll theory. It was based mostly on backstab testing, which we've established is controlled by another algorithm.

Are we done here?

Uh oh, double roll.

Additionally Sinister Strike also sees the same treatment as Backstab.

Also its very easy to detect the single vs double roll system at work on a rogue because we have enough hit to avoid crit capping on out auto swings unlike warriors.

Please provide data rather than regurgitated wiki’s that don’t prove anything.

There would be a really easy way to test it if 2 rogues wanted to. Just make sure one has at least a 30% crit chance and the other has 70% dodge with evasion up. Have the one pop adrenaline rush and SS spam the other while evasion is active. If SS crits 100% of the time it does damage then it’s 1 roll. If it crits about 30% of the time it does damage it’s 2 rolls.

Oh I see. So now the wiki’s are wrong. Magey is wrong. Every warrior who has posted here is wrong.

Its just Khlause who has the secret code everyone else is unaware of. Just like how you claimed you kjnow the secret to make legendaries drop on command or any of the other tin-foil hat garbage you post on the forums. Somehow, you’ve always got the secret and EVERYONE else is wrong right? Riiiiiiight.

No secret codes, just look at the data. Its there in the parses as linked but you choose to actively ignore it because you are somehow hard headed on this.

Lets have a look at another parse, this time Sinister Strike since that’s how another rogue in his raid is specd.

As you can see his Auto attack crit rate is as we agree, single roll and at 33.4%

So if a single roll table was used then his Sinister Strike rate should be close to 33.4%, but that is not what we observe in the parse.

You can see his Sinister Strike crit rate is 25.8% and that he got an avoided attack rate of 6.75%

If you simply add his avoided attacks to his crit rate you can see that it adds up to 32.55% crit, and that’s again within 1%, and good enough to see that he’s not getting a single roll system deal at all.

Next lets look at his Eviscerates, also a special attack, his Eviscerate crit is at 21.2%, and his Eviscerate was avoided 10.81% of the time.

If you simply add his avoided attacks to his Eviscerate crit rate, you get 32.01%, again this very close to his 33.4% Auto swing crit, and given the smaller Eviscerate sample set, that would likely even out over time.

I have provided you with Data a few times now, and I am still waiting for you prove that special attack uses a single roll, yet you make no effort.

It is entirely possible that you, OP, and only you get the result of random chance in such a way that you are critically hit 80% of the time, while nobody else does.

Some would call it unlucky, but it is definitely not impossible. It would almost be an amazing thing from a certain point of view.

So you assume everyone is too stupid to realize you’re cherry picking logs that add up EXACTLY the way you want them to, in order to prove your hair-brained theory? Cmon man… Give it a rest
Heres a log from one of Onslaught’s rogues. Now if you look, his crit rate is 43.5. Now if we add in his miss chance, and then multiple that by the number of letters in Onslaught squared, we get 5307509437434. Now, simply take the square root and assign letters to those numbers, and we get… OMG I FIGURED IT OUT.


I don’t need to cherry pick anything, its literally all there…

Lets look at another rogue in his same raid, surely if its me cherry picking I cant possibly get a trifecta.

Here is in the same raid, lifesyles… He’s a sinister strike rogue, and it shows exactly the same pattern, its not just backstab.

Crit rate 43% auto swings.

Sinister strike crit rate 33.9% Avoided attacks 7.8%

Add em up… 41.7

Close enough.


oh right. Like we’re supposed to believe the guy who assassinated Kennedy.

Just randomly looking through rogue parses, it seems like every single one has their SS crit chance about 4-6% lower than their AA crit chance.

Sneaky sneaky. You notice how he edited the post again to remove the logs from my guild after it did not line up with the narrative.


Lets use your example parse.

Look at his auto attack crit rate with his buffs list, he’s got literally every single good buff you can get.

Now look at his gear, at best he’s got +10% hit in addition to 5% on talents, for 15% hit in gross, and that’s not all fights either because he swaps out his MH and OH for hamer of the northern wind and cold rage dagger on Viscidus.

He’s Crit capped on auto attack because of his gear choice, but for his situation his damage is in special attacks makes up for it because of world buffs and the 4PC DS2.

When you factor in his crit capped auto attacks his parse actually makes sense and shows that yet again, his auto attack crit rate should be close to 50% with the buffs he’s got but because he’s crit capped, he cannot achieve that rate.

So as you can see his special attacks when added to avoided attacks will have a greater crit rate than his auto swings because of the crit cap limit imposed by his gear.

Unless I am mistaken. On a single-roll system…an NPC could never block a critical attack. Yes? So all I would have to do is find a blocked critical attack on a log and we’re done here?

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I don’t know, maybe, and that would make sense that blocks cannot be crits, but would have to be a special attack. Also hard to say with NPC’s they may have a different set of rules.

Mouse over “Blood Thirst” and you will see that there were blocked critical Blood Thirsts. And no blocked critical auto attacks.

It would seem that Heroic Strike does follow the white-hit calculations. But revenge/blood thirst do not.

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That’s a good catch, I didn’t think of that at all. Its shows the dual nature of Auto swings Vs special attacks very clearly.

also makes perfect sense because heroic strike is tied to the auto swing timer because its an auto swing buff “on next attack” sorta thing.

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