Someone made GDKP as a service

How do you know have you interviewed all of them? Someone said they don’t affect anything in game. Any from if pvp would affect things in game.

yes ofc it will affect pvp which will affect the game

it was more a joke about gdkp enjoyers horror with being faced with having to farm for gold instead of leech rmt inflated payouts than it was an actual attempt at refuting your point

Ahh gotcha. I didn’t pick up the nuisance of the dialogue through forums. Sometimes meaning lost vs in person dialogue .

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Source: Trust me bro.

Reality: There is no legitimate gold in GDKPS.

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Source: trust me bro

blizz cs also appears to have wieghed in on this btw, and they do not agree :dracthyr_tea:

Duhhh haven’t you ever looked at a book that you didn’t read?

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lol… keep telling yourself that. Gold prices dropped by over 50% instantly when it was announced, clearly signaling who their biggest source of customers was.

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Blizzard’s blue post as to why GDKPS are being banned.


Youd be more credible if you stuck with ‘trust me bro’

No one is really seeking credibility with gold buying cheaters.


your personal incredulity doesnt matter to blizz or anyone else.

its their game not yours, they have made the call, open 100 dumb threads if you want… gdkps will still be banned on the 8th


Ok and? 10char

i Have pugged 30+ lockouts. It takes 10 min to find a group and have cleared 7/7 since week 2. IDK why people complain about finding pugs its super easy.

People aren’t “being annoying” by trying to LFG in LFG. You’re just being annoyed.

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GDKP cant go external with USD directly.

Total final cash is divided between each player at the end with the host getting a higher cut for hosting.

If I can get paid to carry, man this game is becoming a good sideline.

Paypal doesnt know whats coming

Its 5g a week because of GDKP. When its gone guess what happens. Shadow prot potions become 20g each because thats the new big gold maker. Or idk if you see the scam AH listings with bid price set to 1c and buyout set to 5G 19s 99c when the cheapest one is 20 silver. Causing people to see the 5g one listed before the 20 silver one due to the bid price set at 1c. Thats all over since gdkp was announced banned in P2. Now players are resorting to scamming for extra gold. Like for real banning GDKP is gonna hurt the economy next season and your trade chat will still be spammed by gold farmers selling summons to every corner of azeroth.


Imagine relying on the AH for crafting mats.


Imagine not having downloaded Autionator.

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Imagine thinking bots buy summons.

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