Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

I like the way you think homie. I’m in the right mind to buy the damned thing for this.

No one is getting kicked out of WoW here. That analogy falls flat. Just because you got removed from a dungeon, doesn’t mean you were removed from the game.

He can queue for another dungeon.

45$/month > 15$/month. In the end, that person is not prevented from playing either, they are free to rejoin another group.

they didn’t forget. they didn’t know in the first place. but they won’t let that stop them from having strong opinions!

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Uh, so wait. Are you saying that your plan is to coax them into taking away this transmog by giving them more money?

Usually when a company does something that you don’t like, you’re not supposed to give them even more of your business.

I know I already used that earlier, but I feel that it’s worth mentioning again. If you’re morally opposed to ignoring people with different opinions, then why are you in favor of forcibly removing a group member just because they have a differing opinion?

Seems like an even more extreme example of ignoring. ESPECIALLY considering that you’re talking about removing someone just because you don’t like their transmog.


Eh, missing the point. We need less hate because of different views and more acceptance. I’m guessing your 10? Makes sense. In 20 years you’ll understand.

You’re putting a lot of faith in 30 year olds :joy:


Because he Is under the masterful hand of ideology. He Is bound to his hill.

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Haha. I’m 33 so I thought it was a good mark but you’re right :slight_smile:


But you left out

Stick to owning yourself.

Sorry, but I disagree. The reasoning has nothing to do with gameplay, so this forced inconvenience is wholly unwarranted. I could just as easily say those people could leave the group and join another dungeon themselves, couldn’t I?

I’ll also bring up that most players will blindly click yes on a vote to kick just because the window is there. In the OP’s case, it’s likely just that one person who actually wanted to kick that person out.


My plan is to 1) not get the mog near my account. That’s the most important thing. 2) Hope their realise ugly mogs sell less than good mogs. That’s why I didn’t get the onesie, or this thing.

When they release a good mog or mount, they will get my money for them.

Is this really a hard concept ?

If you come to a discussion forum, you make the choice of engaging with others in discussion. The forum is public, unlike an instance group which is a more private gathering.

No one is getting kicked out of Boralus, a non-instanced area of the game here.

Kicking from a dungeon has nothing to do with ignoring. That’s a massive stretch.

30 minutes later.

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Claiming WoTLK was successful despite a cash shop when the cash shop was introduced right as WoTLK ended is both wrong and incredibly dumb.

0 iq, stick to popcorn videos, your opinions are embarrassing.

Hahaha. You’ll kick people because you dont like their mog. Hahahahaha


Lmao!! :rofl:

That mog is ridiculous … fairy. Jeez

You are switching up your argument. Are you kicking because you think It’s ugly or that you believe It’s an evil Blizzard store scheme.

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No your opinion on the matter and trying to back track is what is truly embarrassing. You may go now.

Does a kick need to have a gamplay reason ? What if someone is spamming chat or emotes through the dungeon ? The gameplay is mostly unaffected, but it is annoying.

Again, you don’t incovenience 3 people for the sake of 1. It’s an instance group, they are allowed to remove anyone they don’t like or want to play with.

I always click “no”. There is never a reason to click “yes” unless you’re personally annoyed. I see vote kicks fail more often than not in every dungeon I run, not that vote kicks are that frequent.

Did you sprain something doing the mental gymnastics to arrive to this conclusion?

WoW is literally one of the cheapest forms of entertainment on the market - which can potentially be free, if you pay for it with gold.