Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

Oh god, am I in 2005 again? I have to warn people!

Game’s had a cash shop for a decade and you’re still playing it.

Seems like everything is a-okay!


You don’t realize what you said. Your kicking people for paying 6months sub that saves them $$ in the long run and getting a bonus.

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Imagine having your feelings hurt over seeing pixel clothing. LOL. Go sit down, son. Grown ups are talking.


Just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you right. You are bound by your own limitation. You can’t see the forest for the trees. Everyone has the right to not like the way something looks on the other hand.

People do this constantly without transmogs, so I doubt it was a secret plot. Hehe

Pretty sure the reason the game declined for Cata was because people were furious about the massive changes. Not because of one pet and one mount.

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Cataclysm release date: December 7, 2010

So it did have a cash shop during WotLK as stated.

I think the owning was the other way around.


Oh these people will really like what’s coming for them next.
Every time they die in PvP… the person that beat them… leaning in close to their ear and softly whispering “You got beat by a fairy.”


Literally what I said, stick to posting popcorn videos.

Sure thing bud. You keep mistreating people and telling yourself it’s “for the greater good”.

You’re still trash at the end of the day.

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Finding something ugly doesn’t hurt my feelings.

Reporting for abusing me.

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This entire premise is so baffling hilarious.

I can’t stop laughing now! :rofl:


Of course you did :joy:

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So basically, if pay a monthly fee to a swim club along with 4 others, and I dont like the fact one dude wears a speedo, I should kick them out of the club? Lol ok.


:rofl: I almost want to start PvPing just for the chance to do this.

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I just wanna point out the other side. You keep repeating that ‘it’s their money, it’s their choice not to play with you’ but…what about the one being kicked? They’re paying as well, but they’re having their choices made for them by folks kicking them from groups for reasons unrelated to gameplay. Seems wrong to me.


Raiimir is the kind of big brain conservitroll that will try and accuse others of discrimination while defending real life discrimination.


You, The one with the speedos, out of the pool… NAWWWWWWHHHHH!!! REEEEE.

Question… when they reach a maximum amount of idiot points… do they become a Super Karen like a Saiyan does?

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