Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

the reason is probably becuz people got pissed that blizz is making more money beyond expansions and subs. a penny more would drive people into madness.

I don’t understand it either. It really comes off as people being mad for the sake of being mad.


I’ve never held the position of believing Blizzard has an “evil store scheme”, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Nor would I personally kick people for having bad taste in mog. So your entire post leaves me puzzled as to what you think my position actually is.

There is no backtracking, they claimed “a more popular MMO with a cash shop” was WoTLK, the cash shop was introduced right as WoTLK ended which doesn’t correlate to how good or bad WoTLK was because it was already over.

This isn’t even difficult to comprehend, stop.

Then why are you kicking ppl who wear the mog?

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I don’t like it… BUT I’m gonna wear it… I’m going to PvP in it… and I’m gonna enjoy knowing how some of these subhumans are going to lose their minds about being beatdown by a guy wearing fairy wings.

Not gonna lie, people have actually been super nice to me on my classic characters. So IDK why everyone thinks it’s so awful - maybe they just forgot to join a guild or something.

You’re so close to figuring out the problem with your arguments.

You’re on the cusp. Just a few steps more.

i don’t recall anybody here saying this isn’t allowed. they’re saying it makes you a jerk.


No, if you play WoW, you’re wealthy. It means you have a home, food, Internet access, spare income, and a PC. That’s wealthy by every metric we have to measure wealth in the world. You’re part of a minority of people in this world.

I’m not ?

Figured you out Raiimir you are trolling. Very pathetic.


Unfortunately you have it backwards, you didn’t even realize when the shop was introduced and tried to claim WoTLK was successful despite it when all of WoTLK’s success was before it was even introduced, embarrassing.

The problem are the haters.
I’ll wear what I want.


Point out where I was wrong?

WotLK had a cash shop. WotLK was more successful.

How is it trolling ? People with all their basic needs covered and able to afford Internet, a PC and have spare time to play video games are part of the minority of wealthy people in the world. The vast majority of living humans cannot afford these comodities.

That’s not even an opinion, that’s a fact. Learn to recognize your privilege.

Why does an MMO need to be MORE popular than WoW? Why is it so hard to understand that WoW is simply doing what every other MMO is currently doing… because you know… it’s an MMO… in the current MMO market… when one MMO does something that is lucrative & does well others will follow suit … like you know, almost like a domino effect :thinking:

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You have no damn argument other than to say It’s okay to kick ppl and you think the mog Is ugly. And to say that all WoW players are wealthy. Lol

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What is wrong with either position ?

And they are. Ever look at a poverty index for the world population ?

Doubling down on being 0 iq, risky move.

Maybe stop being so emotional over someone getting kicked in a game and you’d be able to able to make rational arguments.