Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

Lmao!! :heart:


Yes, because not having the mog in my mog collection is more important than 2-3$.

I don’t encourage attacks on anyone. Kicking someone from your group is not an attack. It’s how the system works. Their 15$/month, their choice if they don’t want to play with you.

I’ve always supported kicking anyone, for any reason. Why should I change my views based on this time, the system being used to kick people with an ugly mog ? The system worked. 3 people didn’t want their 15$/month to go towards being grouped with 1 other person. They used the kick system properly to remove said person.

If we can point out a more successful game than modern WoW that has a cash shop, will you admit you’re wrong?

How is it "hurting " anything other than their feelings? The transmog, in my opinion, is quite silly, but it does not give you any advantage over people who do not buy it. I guess when people see the wings in PVP they get overwhelmed by negative feelings and die more? And where was the outrage over the Wendigo pajamas?

You can’t because WoW is the most successful MMO ever made.

The only games more successful don’t have a monthly sub or are straight up F2P (and they’re not MMO’s).

Move the goalposts all you want, you have no argument.

Raiimir, your attack against the mog are invalid. However the right to kick from groups Is valid. HOWEVER that makes you a person that practices bad behavior.

don’t ask me, ask the people who are so hurt that it exists that they’re kicking anybody who has it

So it actually had words in it? When I frequented dungeons, normally it just had whatever convenient button smash the person managed to put in the field.

Vote to kick - Derptastic Rogue
Reason: ‘sewoifnha’

I think that’s Pyri’s point.

It’s not. The players upset about it are “communist” they’re just entitled jerks upset that the game has a cash shop for some asinine reason.

So you are using the same tactics used by certain groups of people verbally assaulting people while they are eating dinner. You are mad about something and instead of peacefully protesting against the company you disagree with… you direct your hate towards people who either bought the wings directly or received the wings when their 6 month subscription renewed or they just purchased. Good job. Left wing lynch mob at it’s finest.

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Oh, that one was okay, because they bought something else to get that. :wink:

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Sure I can.

Wrath of the Lich King. More successful than modern WoW, had a cash shop.

Eventually people will stop caring and don’t kick anymore, but people seem to forget if you got 6months sub you get it anyway free so why not use it?

I was in a dungeon last night with a melee using this transmog. They weren’t dps’ing half the time and I wanted to kick, but then they might come here and claim they were kicked because of their mog and not because they were literally not even with the group for half of the dungeon - they were just standing on their own sometimes. :weary:

I don’t know if they were intentionally trying to get kicked so they could say they triggered us? But trying to annoy people with it is not any better than the people getting annoyed and kicking.

How are they invalid ? They are my personal subjective opinion. The mog is atrociously ugly. That’s an opinion.

WotLK is WoW. And WotLK is what started the decline in WoW.

I got it for having a 6 months sub. /shrug

April 15, 2010

It was released on April 15, 2010 , along with [Lil’ XT]. April 15, 2010

6 months before WoTlk ended and right as the game started to decline (cataclysm)

Just owned yourself.

I get the point you’re aiming to make, but when you make a comment like this, it hurts your argument. Yes, people can be toxic to one another, and yes people are punishing one another too much over this store transmog thing. That is valid enough.

When you add on something like this, which is quite clearly false, you hurt your cause.

Lol that’s funny

You can get the mog by buying a six month subscription, so it is similar. You can buy mounts and pets in the store. I would argue that the pets could even be pay-to-win if they have skills that are better than pets obtainable in the game have. I think the outrage is misplaced.