Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

You’re neither fooling nor entertaining anybody, bud.

I wouldn’t even waste your time. Not worth it.

I’m gonna start tanking dungeons, just so that when I see someone get kicked for this, I can pull a whole room and then leave. Not only will they all probably die, but then they have to wait for a new tank. :smiling_imp:


I just want to see how deep they can go.

Their views is not what makes them bigoted, it’s their intolerance of different views from their own that does. That’s what the word means.

That’s not even nuanced, I don’t get how you don’t understand the concept of what is actual Bigotry.

Wait, so this isn’t about micro-transactions for you, it’s about your personal sense of style? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, way to stick it to the company by threatening to switch to a subscription method that actually gives them more money.


The bald streamer caused this when he encouraged people to “spit” on anyone on a store mount. Blizz should have banned him, because this was very predictable that people would take it even farther.


Irrational jealousy.

not really though?

My point being that the players can save the money they whine about. If Blizzard made the store big and started pushing It hard It would be different. But they aren’t.

guaranteed none of the people doing the kicking are remotely communists

they’re Gamers who would typically say they love the free market, but in this case since the free market is hurting them instead of people they dislike, it’s bad


Yes. The mog is atrocious, and I’m not encouraging them to put so much effort into these ridiculous things. Just like the onesie.

My goal is not to “stick it” to the company. My primary goal is mostly not to have that mog in my mog collection.

You should put that mog on right now and defy your ideological master.

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FF is much smaller and much worse than WoW, i’ve played it. It took me 1 1/2 hours in Q for a story gated dungeon off-peak before I gave up and left the q.

The only decent things in FF are the story (debateable) and some professions, there’s almost no end game content. It’s also a literal weeb game that attracts the very people that buy microtransactions, all weebs do is buy cosmetics.

Stop comparing WoW to less successful games and asking us to copy them.

Why would you copy something less successful, that’s 0 iq.

That literally says what I said it means.

And you’re going to do that by giving Blizzard more money and encouraging attacks on random players?

Because you personally don’t like the way that something looks…


Better idea. Be the tank. Wear the mog. :smiling_imp:



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you just don’t get it. this is about ethics in gaming journalism!

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I felt bad until I realized this story was made up as a poor excuse to make Classic look better.