Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

Wrong. You want to know why?

Because most MMO’s on the market today have even BIGGER cash shops than WoW does. Try to shame everyone in ESO, GW2, SWTOR for purchasing cash shop items and you’re gonna have to go through almost the entire playerbase.

WoW’s Cash Shop isn’t going to go away, why? Because it’s been proven to work in every other MMO, because thats how the industry operates at the moment, thats how a portion revenue is obtained.

So again, you bullying a handful of people in WoW isn’t doing jack.


Agreed, BFA stinks mostly. But they don’t even have a big store. Nor do I think they will make It big. Plus buy the 6m get It all FREEE.

But when you call someone a bigot over their views you are being “intolerant of different opinions” thereby confirming your own bigotry.


Alright then, you do you my man. I’ll take free stuff. Even if I’ll never actually use that mog, lol.


You just listed 3 dead games that are dwarfed by WoW and are trying to suggest we should follow their example?

Delusional, there is a reason nobody plays them.

WoW became the biggest MMO in the world without a cash shop, we still need to buy each expansion and pay monthly to play, this rapid uptick in microtransactions on top of that is just ridiculous.

I think I will change my main to a light-skinned, blond, blue eyed Human male paladin and put the wings transmog on him so I can trigger the most people possible.


The butterfly hate is real I guess :crazy_face:

Tbf, contrasting opinions in a discussion is technically an argument so isn’t that really what the forums are for? Discussion.

Welcome to the internet.

Ah yes. The classic WoW mafia is the best, I’ve heard.

I didn’t call them a bigot over their view. I pointed out their were being bigoted, ie, being intelorant of difference of opinion.

If you’re a plumber, there’s no intolerance in calling you a plumber.

Just being white triggers people ya know.


What? Non of them are dead games. Playerbase might be smaller, but if thats the logic there, then all non warcraft mmos are “Dead games”.

These people are showing their true brainpower Is all. Or should I say lack of.

If you’re arguing for a store being a good thing and then correlate it “working” in games wildly less successful than WoW that’s delusional, there’s a reason they’re so much less popular.

I doubt this happened

“I didn’t call them a bigot, I just said they were being a bigot”


so many hoops

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Really? Look at my first post in this topic it is flagged and I barely said anything besides:

  1. I’m poor
  2. My identity
  3. Seeing rich people upsets me because I am not rich

And I get flagged for that. You have to see from the other perspective. I am getting bullied on the basis of my appearance and idenitity.

I just…

I really don’t get it.

You get it for free if you already have the six month sub. It’s a bonus promotion. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it/upgrade your sub.

The 6th month is cheaper in the long run too, so it’s just a matter of “Do you have the funds right now?”

It literally hurts, no one. I don’t understand why people are so tilted over it.

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Cash shops DO work, they keep trash like GW2 alive.

All the more reason to push back against whales.

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The fact that you think those three games are dead is… hilarious. How about FF? Cash Shop there too~

You’re ignoring the larger point - the gaming industry has evolved, cash shops are everywhere, your bullying of a handful of players will not change that it just makes you look like a bully and a troll.

I bought 6 months game time before they announced SL was being pushed back. They won’t refund it and I’m not playing the game that much. I thought (or hoped) I’d be getting chased by scourge in Stormwind right now honestly.