Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

yes whenever i see somebody who got something for free while at the same time saving money on something they were going to buy anyway (that i am also buying), i think “that person must be wealthy”


I remember when it was considered dorky to shop at Kmart

A friend of mine way back needed to grab something there was hesitant cause he was worried someone would see him there. I pointed out that meant they were there too and just nod at each-other like “I won’t say anything of you don’t”


There is no such thing as an “abusive kick”. If a majority don’t want to play with you, you’re not entitled to their game time, period.

If you’re playing WoW, you’re wealthy.

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Riding Sylverian Dreamer in solidarity.

Being kicked from a group for being a “Blizzard Fanboi” while playing a game made by Blizzard.

Just like in real life.

The guy is still replying to me even though he’s on my ignore list. Like why? I can’t see what you say nor will I bother too. XD

I even said that earlier. I know reading isn’t that guys strongest attribute, but come on.


We are, by making store items have negative repurcussions. Less people buying the store items gives companies less incentive to make them, if you have less revenue from whales you actually need to make good content to retain players.




I believe The Quartering made a video showing the backlash this caused

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If you ignore every single part of this situation except what you’ve stated, your right.

If three people decide they don’t want to play with one person, they don’t need a legitimate reason. They get to remove them, no questions asked. I don’t think that part was in question.

The problem people are having is the reasoning. I don’t personally see the problem with the transmog.

Anybody who was doing the 6 month rolling sub got it for free, so I don’t really see the problem with it.

It Is good content or you wouldn’t play the game. Get the mounts and mog for free buy 6m save money. blah blah, who are you trying to fool.

I’m not replying to you for your benefit, it’s for other people who aren’t as bigoted and are able to have their opinions and world views challenged.

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My guild has given away hundreds upon hundreds of deep sea bags to not only new players, but even old players on new characters just because why not. The classic community outside the elitist pserver groups ARE the WoW community, we’re one in the same. A huge chunk play both pending on what’s going on in the other. If you haven’t found people who want to play with you or help you, it’ll be a lot easier when SL drops and things are more populated.

Just a handful of indoctrinated wanna be communists who believe that if there is something some people can afford to buy and other people can’t then that thing is “evil”. It really is just irrational jealousy.


lol this guy is really throwing “bigot” around now too

You can’t find this kind of entertainment just anywhere


BFA lost half the playerbase in the first 6 months, including me. Blizzard are being kept afloat and rewarded by whales who keep buying ridiculous micro transactions.

I’m on the 6 month sub, and won’t renew it until the mog is removed from it. I’ll go to 3 month, or make sure to not get the one with the mog.

And it’s not because I’m against store mogs, it’s because I’m against ugly mogs.

Yes, “Being intelorant of different opinions” is literally what being Bigoted means.

I used the word correctly.

Doesnt surprise me. One of the few time ive been kicked we hadnt even moved yet from starting line. Someone makes some juvenile comment about my mogs and I end up in Orgrimmar.
Abuse of the intent of the system…but they dont have the man power to deal with abuses so it is what it is.

I miss actual vanilla, when everyone was absolute garbage and there was no extant meta. That made everything fun. Nobody can imagine how hard I slammed my face into my desk when I saw all of those “How to PREPARE for Classic” guides on wowhead lmao. Anyone who didn’t play vanilla and “prepared” for Classic ruined their experience.

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