Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Imagine typing this unironically


Ignore Raiimir. I did and feel better for it. Never had an argument with someone with the end goal for them is being a terrible person.


I mean, you’re literally against 3 people kicking someone else. Majority rules, their 15$/month, their rules. And you’re here insulting them for exercising their Freedom of Association rights.

“Ignore people who have different opinions, that way you never need to reflect on if your opinion is well founded or not”.


I mean that’s kinda funny. Like when Fallout 1st came out for Fallout 76 and players just started ganging up on people who bought it.

lmao stop, it hurts


See, I’m sure he said something mean, but since he’s on ignore. I can’t see it. XD


Ah yes, because that’s the type of people we need to remain in the community, the type that will literally bully people into quitting for something really, as trivial as a cosmetic item.

Because it is trivial. You wanna take your anger out on someone? Take it out on the company, cancel your sub, state the reason why - try to force change within the gaming industry to steer it away from cash shops cause thats the only way it will stop.

Bullying players is going to do nothing but make you look like an airhead and a fool.


Stop what ? You’re literally arguing people should be forced to group with people they don’t want to be grouped with.

I will always side with the people who remove others through a majority choice. Because no game should force anyone to play with others they dislike and don’t want to play with.

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If you want to send a message to Blizzard, then you guys aren’t gonna do it by targeting random players, many of which likely got the costume for free.

You could boycott them, but I’m sure that you won’t. You’d rather just be as nasty as you can while continuing to play the game, and pay into the company that’s implementing practices that you morally oppose.


You’ve made that clear, don’t worry.


I am a fan of the Morhaime-era Blizzard that made the game.

I despise the so-called “Blizzard” that is profiting off of it currently.



I agree with Raiimir. People should be able to choose who they play with. Typical people downvote my first comment because I came out as trans-racial and trans-sexual. The amount of discrimination in this game is crazy.

Is that all you have ? Insults and ad hominems ?

You’re the one being toxic here. You want people to be forced to be grouped with people they dislike, and you bully and insult everyone who disagrees with you.

That’s all you’re worth :man_shrugging:t4:

I’ve seen you on here enough to know you’re not worth engaging as though you’re a real person.


Thank you for proving my point. You’re the part of the community that this game needs less of.

Too bad I’m not going anywhere, tuts :kissing_heart:


Is your other race troll?? I’m thinking it is.


I think this is hilarious.

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In my opinion, kicking someone for that transmog is by far the most abusive kick. It makes no sense and shows how much of a toxic individual you are for kicking. Really, there is no upside for the kicker.


I have puged around 10 keys or more since I put the mog on my Warrior. Haven’t had anyone say anything, nor have I been kicked.

And I will continue to wear It so long as It pleases me. I won’t let any dumb ppl ruin my joy.