Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

ah, while i left do to toxic guild loot drama. a majority of the people were very nice whenever i played. idk if its still like that, as that was 6 months ago, my only real complaint is alliance on pvp servers didnt want to pvp.

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I’m wondering how you guys equate “playing a game from a company” to “being a company’s fanboi” ?

Don’t need to be a raving irrational fanboy to enjoy something.


Honestly not really. It’s just since this item was just released its the new hot topic. It’ll die down, then come back, then die down, then come back, on and on, for all of eternity.

Oh look, it’s you.


You’re just jealous your free shoulderpads don’t change colors uwu

don’t worry I won’t tell anyone :relaxed:


And what if some poor sap just happened to have a 6 month membership and got the mog for free? If I get a free cake, I am eating it.


It’s me what ?

God bless players for using their tools to remove a player they did not want to play with. You’re not entitled to other people’s game time.


If everyone is being hateful, then really…no one is being hateful…

Just for you haha

Man you jump through a lot of hoops to try and justify being a pos.


Trash people play both games.

Experience: A classic player with hundreds of hours.

3 people did not want to play with 1 other person. The removal is legitimate. Why do you feel you need to impose your will on the majority of a group ?


You can kick people for any reason.

Kicking them for supporting bad practices that damage the game is a pretty good reason tbh, hopefully it will dissuade people from continuing to buy store items.


Three people were trash, and so are you for arguing their case.

hasn’t for the last ten-ish years since the shop became a thing but good luck.


I’d argue you’re the one being toxic here. We need less people like you in this game, we need more people like them.

You’re literally arguing they are “trash” because they decided to not gift someone they disliked their gametime. How entitled can you get ?

When you pay their 15$ per month, you can decide who they play with.


So, why did did people downvote my comment?

I know you will, it’s the usual sad attempt by people like you.

Keep jumping through your hoops, it’s fun to watch.


People are dicks sometimes lol. Its called human nature. Ur so naive its sad

Considering someone made a thread yesterday about their friend quitting for being made fun of for wearing the mog I’d say it’s working.

It will never stop it completely but it will sure but a big negative attribute to store items.

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It’s funny how you’re throwing out ad hominems like candy on October 31st, but somehow, it’s everyone else that’s toxic.

Their 15$/month, their rules.

Nice projection, you’re the one defending forcefully imposing on other players.