Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

No, kicking is never a ToS breach.

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

GMs don’t accept screenshots for obvious reasons. They have full logs of chats on their own end they can use. Even still, getting kicked is not a reason to have others who kicked you banned.

There is a caveat to the rule you just showed me. If it is still harassment, and the reason for it happening is the catylist, which is clearly harassment. The whole thing can be investigated further if you submit a ticket.

*edit: Go ahead and test it out. submit the report for harassment through the blizzard support site, and explain to them in detail the events that led to the harassment. The kick means nothing, it’s the harassment that’s the point.

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I don’t see the “caveat” you claim exists in the page I linked you. “ANY reason” is pretty clear. “I dislike you buying shop items” is part of “ANY”.

If you report with just “I got kicked”, you’ll get a link to the article I just gave you.

Good luck with the rest.

That’s their decision - and in your example they aren’t equal. Nobody can take away the mog wearer’s game time. People can choose who they want to play a game with. I think it’s silly to demand an IO of 2k for 10 key, but people do it. I’ll just find other people to play with in these cases.

Nice bait thread.

“I’ll pretend this is about the store mog, but it’s really a Classic supremacy thread”.

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Don’t care.

Sure you are…

(flaps wings in your face)

Don’t care…

Cry… me… a river…


And what about scenarios that involve obvious hate crimes; such as kicking people for being insert derogatory term for being homosexual? Are you telling me that’s not under harassment in the ToS just because it’s also a vote to kick reason? Pretty much under that guideline people could get away with all kinds of hateful nonsense just to spite people in PuGs.

I get that it’s your party in coalition, and every one has a right to vote out players that hurt a party’s play, but there has to be lines somewhere for certain behavior. I won’t stand for hatemongering in parties or raids, and neither should anyone else who wants a good environment to play a game in.

Also the reason isn’t “I got kicked,” it’s “I was recently harassed while in group by, name A, name B, Name C, Name D because of reason Y.” And, if the reason is harassment, it’s harassment.

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First, that’s not a “hate crime”. Second, that’s not the kick you’re reporting. The kick itself is not the problem. You would report abusive chat.

This is completely irrelevant to the current thread.

But you made up the harassement. Even OP didn’t claim harassement.

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i guess your point is ‘people can play with whoever they want to play with’. fair enough. doesnt make their discriminatory reasons ok. my point is, its humorous to kick people for the way they dress. they should be ashamed of themselves and it shouldnt be welcome in this game. raider io scores are there for performance reasons. its a whole other argument if io is used correctly.

I don’t have the mog but today I got Hat of the Youngest Sister and I do look absolutely FABULOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS!!!

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There are no lasting consequences for someone to do this for the rest of the forums existence, if it even gets noticed because there doesn’t seem to be anyone around 95% of the time to deal with it. It makes it very easy for everyone to just act as sarcastic and childish as they want while spinning the wheel each day in regards to whether or not they might get caught.

Some players have been trampling all over the forum CoC and guidelines for years. Can you believe that? They’re still here because now it’s a case of "oh I may get a vacation for a month, but I’ll be back to do the same thing or “oh they said this is my last vacation before I get banned, better cool my heels for awhile until it goes on CD”.

So now GD is like a playground and the adults are off doing who knows what. Its actually insane now, and theres no clarity in sight.

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People like that are just as bad as the people they’re hating on. It’s stupid. See, I got the set for completely free. I used RAF to extend my 6-Month sub into a 9-month sub and managed to get the Steamscale Incinerator, Squeakers, and the Sprite Darter set. Now I feel embarrassed to even wear a set I didn’t even pay for but still like.

Ha! I would have been tempted to boot too, because I think that mog is for people who want to look like a clown…bad taste in fashion.

Almost as bad as that pj’s suit earlier on

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they should grow a thicker skin if they are upset about getting kicked. better still maybe they shouldn’t have looked like a clown

but the store mog is free for people who subscribe…

Vote kick system needs big changes, rampant abuse! Feels bad!

EASY FIX: Disable vote kick in the first 10 minutes of the dungeon! Dungeon deserter no longer applies under 10 minute mark! I don’t care if someone in the group is the biggest griefer in the world, if you kick him after 10 minutes and your L F D easy mode dungeon takes 20 minutes to complete - it’s FINE!

We gata hate something since we didn’t get SLs.

That’s stupid. People like that ether needs to cut it out or should be reported for abuse.

People gotta be jerks about stupid things. It’s ok to not like it and don’t buy it. Harassing Players who wear it makes you a big jerk.

I’ve seen plenty of store transmogs on casual BGs and never saw any complaints, sorry for that bad experience you went through. Hope it’s the exception

lol good

10 char