Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

That’s how we show love :slight_smile:

What, am I just a joke to you?

I’m saying it is harassment. Nothing is made up. You’re arguing that kicking someone because they hate him on bias isn’t harassment, and I’m saying it is out of moral virtue.

I don’t think you understand what pay to win means.
Store mogs =/= pay to win.
Props on the bai8 though.

I feel like you should have done something with your mog before you said this. You lookin’ like a hot mess.

why I avoid pugs when I can…and I’m rocking that Tmog now just to annoy those twerps lol. I got mine for free :smiley:

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Or maybe people should grow thicker skin and stop getting worked up over a mog set to the point of kicking people from groups over it.

It is the state of the community, both in game and on the forums. I have seen perfectly good threads get flagged, and then restored. I have seen people misuse the vote kick including in bgs. People look for an excuse to hate one another. I would blame the times we live in, but it has been like this in wow for many years.

I know some people question my point about the classic community being nicer. Let phrase this again. My highest toon is level 52. I HAVE not done end game in classic and play it just for fun. If I had reached 60 in classic I would probably would have quit.

The mog is terrible looking. Is it worth kicking someone? No.

He accused me of defending overwolf because i install addons manually. Lolwhut.

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Imagine liking a game you play.

You have to be kidding when you say the classic community is wonderful.

You do know why the system was changed from the system you are wanting right?

Tanks would charge a dps or healer for a fast queue and then sit there until they could leave without getting penalized.

ijust bought the store transmog and its amazing and funny