Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

I’m weird like that, I don’t boosts unless it is for a piece of gear I want. I prefer questing and the adventure.

I don’t see the problem with a store seems as these phone games with microtransactions are making billions… billions! I’m embarrassed how much I’ve spent on phone games. Yet I’ve never payed anything but the 15 a month to Blizzard, granted for almost 15 years solid.

Cant blame them for wanting to increase revenue.

This is a perfect way of putting it.

Activision throwing bait out to the gullible to get them to lock in 6 months of below average gameplay is standard practice for them.

IMHO, those people who defend these practices most started playing around MoP or WoD so know no different.


Meh, I have the mog. I read the forums avidly. I also play other MMO’s that sell transmog sets and I buy those too. The level of rage over this mog made me instantly buy it. A lot of people just got it for subbing for 6 months. Why wouldn’t they use it? When you pay my sub and bills you can tell me what I can and can’t do with my money. This happens everytime Blizz puts something out like this. Nothing new, same tired outrage.

This people being upset over mogs, mounts, toys etc is nothing new. I have had one person say something to me over this mog and try and kick me so far. I was in group leveling a tank with a healer, obviously the healer was a friend and they told me, so I’m going to assume that the other 2 people didn’t click yes. The reason was the mog. Been playing this game a lot of years and this is the first time I have ever had anyone say anything to me about toys, mounts etc.

Imagine how life is for these people being outraged people are spending their money how they want and think it’s their business. I can’t imagine how these people make it in the real world.


Isn’t there a wait time to be able to kick someone from a group?
I’ve not been kicked or initiated or even helped to kicked anyone for a long time (pats self on back) so I’m unaware of any changes.

Last I knew (remember) it was 15 mins after starting a dungeon before a kick could be initiated.
No one could be kicked during combat or a short time after.
And I believe it’s only a limit of 2 who can be kicked.

So the tank waited 15 mins to be petty?
Before the squish most dungeons were done in the first 10 mins.
Haven’t ran any since so don’t know if they are any harder then before.

The point is you refuse to be around someone because of how they dress. Its humorous.

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You almost got me to believe for a second but no.

Nobody feels sorry for you, give it a rest.

They’re being reported because you’re literally spamming, repeating the same drivel and are trying to troll yourself.

Do you cry because someone has a nicer car than you do too? Because that’s what it sounds like.

And I’ll say it again. Proudly. If I said ‘If I can do it, you can do it’ you could label it as discrimination. But here we are, hours later and you’re still trolling instead of hustling. That makes it a you problem, and I still don’t feel bad for you.

Not everyone can afford a Mercedes and are forced to drive a 20 year old Toyota but we still get by as a society, now don’t we?


No, I can understand the shop has always been since Wotlk.

But the ridiculously expensive transmog and 6-month subscriptions weren’t a thing back then either.

So, it’s reasonable that people are skeptical and concerned about the direction of the game. Considering BfA and the Dreadship mount also had a correlation.

Watch this video:

If you want to understand more of what I meant and why people like me are upset.

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Correlation is not causation. Blaming the cash shop for any perceived issues with the game is stupid.


yes it is. The 6-month subscription was partly the reason why Blizzard JUMPED ship on BfA.

Maybe it’s not the exact cause, but I believe there is a partial reason to it.

Don’t be stupid thinking they won’t do that with Shadowlands.

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I feel like forums have always been a dumpster fire since day one. This is also why as a non RP player I’m on an RP server. Feels like it’s a better dialogue and not as toxic as other server groups I’ve played on.

Why do you think they “jumped ship” on BfA? They didn’t stop development, they didn’t cut anything. It’s not WoD. BfA had just as much content as any other expansion, if not more, it’s just the content was misguided and not well received.

You believe an unfounded conspiracy. Happens to a lot of people these days.

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They mad cause those who got it weather from buying it from the store or got it for the 6 month deal.

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So, it’s development and content that we got broken corruption, grindy azerite essences, imbalance classes, and grindy daily: :roll_eyes:. That’s not content, that’s just a sloppy way of putting ordinary paint and calling it a “work of art”. Where have you been? Have you forgotten the giant thread complaints of class issues, corruption and azerite grinds?

content was misguided and not well received.

Congratulations, you just enforced my argument. And I hope you understand why some of us are upset and skeptical.

The ad hominem is strong in you.

im not going to comment on your struggles with gender and race related stuff. listen, i got the transmog from having a 6 months sub. does that make me rich above you? no. why? because I save up my money for 6 months to pay it all in one go. i actually pay less a month than you do so does that make you richer than me? why would i even care.

i get it. you’re angry because of alot of things in your life. treat people the way you want to be treated. you give hate, you will receive hate. its not perfect, but you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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Are you roleplaying your deathknight character?



I never claimed that BfA was good. I claimed that the statement “BfA would have been better without store content” is unfounded and stupid.

I don’t think you know what ad hominem is.

Did you submit a harassment ticket for being kicked like that? Even if it wasn’t you personally, it’s still a blatent ToS breach – basically obstructing normal game play; and, I do believe it falls under griefing and definitely harassment. You aren’t supposed to gate people from playing the game based on hate or any other bias. The only other exception to the rule is certain PvP scenarios like defending a town, and you just happen to be the target of everyone because (even if you can’t prove it) are wearing xmogs. lol

But, I digress; if your situation happens again, report it with a screenshot, and it’s pretty much permaban, and I can tell you from experience that Blizzard takes harassment and griefing pretty serious. Those people will just have to learn to keep the hate to themselves or create a forum of discussion on why they think xmogs should be earned or some other nonsense.

In my defense, I buy mounts on the store when I have the extra money, and I have no date night planned for the week. What’s 25 bucks a month if I’m not planning to go out? It doesn’t make me a fanboy to blizzard, it just makes me smart enough to realize that there are some things that are a waste of my time and energy in game, and I would rather buy my way around it. It doesn’t affect anyone else’s game in the slightest. It comes down to one inescapable truth: JEALOUSY!