Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

Nobody is mad, we’re just mocking you for being petty and ridiculous.

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I’m not mad… I think it quite comical that a loud mouth is afraid of fairy wings.

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Imagine putting this much effort in your weekend to argue over fictional s*@%, rofl buncha nerds.


Oh ya? Well someone in MY group was kicked for NOT having the store transmog.

So there.

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It’s pricelessly wrong, it’s being offered as a Gift that I have to claim, it’s not in game on my account :

I still don’t see why think “fear” is involved in any way shape or form. Which “phobia” are you attempting to associate to pixels ?

Well unfortunately the pandemic happened else I’d be at either the amusement park or a local haunted attraction enjoying halloween festivities.

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They only did that because casuals have all but died in Classic. They are desperate and don’t want you to leave, yet no one plays the game normally.

How many dungeons have you run without any boosts?

Good community, my metal butt. You’re just being used, lol.

So basically you are one of those Classic players just making a forum thread to hate on retail.

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For sure, I’m moving so we each got our priorities.

You realize… we all see thru your charade right?

What charade ? The ticket is opened and the gift is unclaimed. I’m actually thankful people pointed this out to me, as it saves me from switching to a 3 month sub when my renewal is up.

Yeah that sounds like wow players.

It’s hard to be smart though when you’re that far down on the ladder.

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I don’t buy store transmogs because I don’t generally care about mogging my characters. And I can’t get this one for free, because I pay for game time with Blizzard balance (you can’t buy a subscription with it). But seeing how much it’s triggering people, I might just have to buy these darn wings and mog them on every one of my alts, just for kicks! :rofl:


Classic should have never happened.
After max level… the only thing to do in game was raid or die of boredom unless you really got into some RP group. When the masses realized that classic endgame wasn’t all that… they left.

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Seems like a non issue, if I bought the mog and this happened to me I would have a laugh, go get baked, and then reque like a real man.


You can choose to not visit the club when they are swimming though, right? It’s not like anyone is capable of removing these people from the game for this transmog (which is what they are paying for).

People REALLY hate the fact that we have a store in this game, im one of them but i wouldnt go so far as to kick people who buy stuff from it.

Eh that is a stupid reason to get kicked,
I don’t agree with all the MTXs in general, but a lot of people actually got that Xmog for free with their normal 6mo Sub anyway.

Imagine thinking spending 20 dollars makes someone a whale.
