Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

And make someone will a real problem wait in line longer.

okay Karen

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I’m out of likes but this post hits the nail right on the head.

They said it would be sent out before the 31st.

This word has been repurposed, twisted, and blatantly misused in so many ways like many other words IE “toxic” “racist” that the meaning holds no value any more. Moreover, society has been shown in recent history that it’s ok to throw a tantrum, mistreat, or ruin anything in protest to get ones way by any means necessary.

The repercussions of protest crossed the lines into social vigilanty long ago and has been perpetuated as acceptable as long as its done for the"right cause". Social just causes have gone down a slippery slop to be subjective to the individual. Because the can of worms was opened in the name of justice we now face a situation of what is good for the goose is good for gander.
“You did it for your beliefs and it was ok so now all can do it for any belief”.

got your back

Dude what! :rofl:

If you were at a party event organized by an establishment, and you said “I wan’t this man out of here! His shirt is offensively pink!”

They’re gonna laugh you right out of there.

They put something on my account I don’t want, it’s a real problem :man_shrugging:

Luckily, for now, it seems it’s just on the launcher and I have to claim it, which I can simply not do until it expires, but I’d rather not claim it by mistake. Looks like it will only expire in April 2021, that’s pretty far away.

What possible concern is it of yours what someone else spends their money on or transmogs their character into?

If you don’t like the store set, don’t buy it, don’t wear it. If someone else chooses to wear it it is none of your business. Let them have fun.

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Thank you :smile:

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I wouldn’t do that but man that sounds hilarious XD

This guy gets it.

Just WoW players being typical WoW players, iow terrible human beings like irl. lol

The weekends tend to be the worst but with the terrible economy and pandemic anxiety, many players are more snowflakey than usual.

Edit: my portrait doesn’t show my Sprite mog - wtf Blizz!

It’s not ? The post you’re replying to makes no mention of “buying transmog” at all…

Well, to be fair, my highest level is a 52 in classic, but I am sure that if I hit 60, i would have a much different opinion.

We theorize that it does that but we do not know for sure. Even if it did, we cannot blame the players buying the stuff, they’re just buying stuff they want.

It’s like someone who doesn’t have a lot of money buying some foreign product because its cheaper. We can’t blame that person because people buying cheaper over time costs American jobs.

He’s scared he will catch the… you know what… and start prancing around, bedazzling his underwear, and calling everything FABULOUS.


People who live in the past tend to be the worst because they either misremember the good ol’ days or had a reversal of fortune over the years.

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well did you leave the run and put the people on ignore?

there are good people and bad people on both sides, I’ve seen my fare share of classic lfg chat full of politics, or people cussing me out and telling me to go back to retail because i us an addon for tracking threat…

you gotta learn to deal, or make friends and only run with them like i try to do.

Uh… no, I just don’t like how it looks. I think it looks horrible and out of place for WoW.

Did you just equate colorful mogs with something that you shouldn’t have equated it ?

You are scared of fairy wings… BAHAHAHHAHHA