Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

For the comedy factor of it… and since the anti-wing crowd seem to be more upset about the fact that it’s fairy wings (if it was big black leathery dragon wings I wonder how much outrage they would have) you should have also posted It’s Raining Men… and dedicate it to those anti-wingers.


I don’t think he’s talking about the actual fairy wings. I think he’s talking about the fact that Blizzard focuses so hard on making very impressive mounts, transmogs, pets, etc and puts them up for sale on the shop instead of making them available to achieve in game through participating in content outside of farming gold.

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You are most welcome. :smile:

It lowered their testosterone levels by 1%. They are afraid… because they secretly like the wings… they have caught… something.

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Except in this analogy, your group was formed by the karaoke bar, and you’re probably all strangers. Then after they set this up and gave you a room, you decided “I don’t like this guy’s yellow and pink t-shirt” and then tried to kick him out for no other reason.

So no. Your analogy is terrible.

Like I said though, it ultimately doesn’t matter whether it is or not. What matters is that you’re removing someone based on something entirely subjective and differing opinions.


Well I didn’t and I frankly hope they won’t just give me something I did not ask for, I wouldn’t want to have to mess with the GM ticket system to get it removed from my account.

The salt about the wings is beyond real. Justifying toxic behavior while yelling about the game being destroyed is just laughable at best.


But that is the nature of Capitalism. If there is demand for a product, then those who provide the product or service will capitalize on that demand. You can’t get away from it. Besides, these store shop items are meant to be luxury items, meaning they are not deeded for anything else other than fun objects. There will always be a sense of “exclusivity” within paid memberships, just as long there are people willing to pay for these exclusive items. Nothing wrong here, the system is working as intended.

If you don’t like the way a company is conducting business, then don’t use their services, that is your right, as a consumer.

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Even in that case, if 4 people in the room want 1 person out, the establishment will likely oblige.

And frankly, the establishment will remove that person and put him in a different room. No one a Karaoke establishment would sacrifice 4 people’s enjoyment for the 1 person.

Or you just don’t understand how this works. Even Blizzard is clear : kick is there, for any reason, and any majority kick is legitimate.

From a private setting, not in a public place.

Check your launcher on the upper right side. You may have a gift there waiting for you.

Reasonable people wouldn’t be toxic towards players who spend their hard earned money on shop items. Reasonable people would go through proper channels to complain to the company about their choices. Being toxic towards fellow players only creates more hatred and toxicity - literally does nothing positive or constructive.

Misbecky is right. My original six month sub was started in august. On the day they came out with the wings, I noticed I had a “gift” notification on my launcher. Lo and behold, they gave me the mog.

Guess I’ll have to ticket it.

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But there are so many more transmogs,pets and mounts in the game than the shop-so how does that ruin the game?

Exactly. I’m not saying people can’t be upset. It’s their right to be if they don’t like something. However toxic behavior like you said will do nothing. I mean these people are kicking someone for something they don’t like, while continuing to pay the company that is doing the things they don’t like. It’s mind blowing.

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Imagine being this level of petty and immature :rofl:


no need to kick from group a simple /spit will do just fine.

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What I don’t understand is why it is a problem now, the shop has been open for years. Did they just notice?lol

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Disliking a mog is “petty and immature” ? I don’t want it on my account. That’s it, you do you, I do me.

What’s petty and immature is wanting to force mogs into other people’s account who don’t want it.

If people don’t agree with the decisions made by a company, a reasonable person would take it up with the company directly. Or stop giving the company their money until something changes. Not attack or harass or deny their fellow community members.