Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

Oh boy, here we go again! If only it would rain popcorn, that would certainly improve this post!


Ok, but since then its been a pretty downhill slide. I was just adding to the comment that these game companies tend to copy each other and seeing that FF14 is currently doing well and making money from their in game store, it would only make sense for Blizzard to want to dip into that well too.

Also, while anyone is -allowed- to kick someone from a group for any reason, its pretty much the equivalent of Regina, Gretchen, and Karen kicking you cause you didn’t wear pink on Wednesday.

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Good think I never claimed I wanted to do that.

Ok ? But I’m not going to be part of those metrics.

It’s 5 people in a private setting. If you rented out a private karaoke room, and then a person walked in, you would be well within your right to expect the establishment would provide a way to remove them.

However, in a crowded public room, you can’t expect to ask someone to be evicted just because you dislike their opinions and can’t stand hearing it so long as they aren’t talking louder than they should.

Wait, they’re playing a 16 year old game and had the audacity to call you “Blizzard Fanboi”? Aren’t we all at this point??

It was one person initiating the kick. I already brought up that vote kicks in matchmaking content are flawed in practice because it only takes one person initiating to get their ‘majority’ to blindly click the accept button. This is true to the point that someone could go into a group wearing this outfit, initiate a kick on someone else claiming that they’re wearing it, and that person is all but guaranteed to be removed from the group even though they’re totally ‘innocent’. This scenario is pretty much abuse, but I hope you won’t come back and actually suggest that this is actually a valid reason to remove someone as well just because it was done via a vote kick that people agreed to…

No, just playing the game doesn’t make one a “fanboi”, that’s not what “fanboi” means.

You’re assuming people “blindly” kick yes. It’s not been my experience at all in game.

What do you find immoral about someone spending their money on aesthetic items that do not affect your game play in any way, shape or form?

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their VIEW, pal, is they dont agree with someone elses VIEW…the second YOU used bigot to attack their VIEW, you proved YOU are ‘intolerant to’ their views, literally confirming your own bigotry.
Seriously guy…I dont CARE that you choose to turn the blinders on to your own bigotry…anyone who used ‘bigot’ to insult, attack or berate someone else IS going after THEIR views, and is thus a bigot themselves by definition…like it or not.

asinine…a plumber ISNT a point of view…lmao

if your plumber says he hates all democrats, hes a bigot.
if you attack your plumbers POV by callling him a bigot, you also are a bigot.
the only people who arent bigots are those who just keep their mouths shut and dont care what other people believe

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Whats it mean then?

I agree with this.

I have a friend who is a manager in fast food. He makes very little, and understands that. So no kids and no gf. He has just enough for a small apartment and makes enough where he can afford a low entry gaming computer and some of the popular steam games. He is in the poverty level. But in his mind, he lives “comfortably.”

Myself, I had a job in a warehouse making $16/hr. Now I am unemployed/collecting unemployment. Just enough for wow and the basics. I don’t consider myself happy or living “comfortably.”

I have seven accounts, I’ve used the new fairy transmog on tons of characters while doing dungeons and not one person has gotten up-in-arms about it and let me know about it. Do you know why that is? Because it’s the luck of the draw. Sometimes you’ll run into people that like to be toxic and make someone feel badly for whatever the reason they feel like it at the time.

I’ve seen enough toxicity in this game over the last fifteen years that I’m pretty much immune to it. It doesn’t really bother me or impact me in any form whatsoever. Even if someone did boot me from a dungeon for wearing the new transmog off the store, I’d just laugh it off and queue again.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone their actions. I don’t think anyone should be rude for no reason. I also know that the real world doesn’t work that way. People aren’t going to act a certain way because I want them to. So, I don’t let any of it bother me because honestly, nothing they say or do is going to have any lasting impact in my actual life outside of the game.

This is why we have nice tools to use in the game. /ignore username or /ignore username-realnamehere. If it’s a case of severe harrassment, then you right click their username or portrait and choose the appropriate choice, report them and let Blizzard take care of it.

I don’t fall into the trap of trolls baiting. I don’t give them any sense of satisfaction by giving them an angry response. I’d rather choose to tick them off by ignoring them. That’s the best way to deal with toxicity is to walk away and make that person or persons feel like idiots.

Toxic people are gonna do toxic things. The best we can do is harden our own mind set and improve our resilience to toxic behavior. If you get removed from a group, queue up and get back in there.

As you wish.


I agree with the other guy. You are jumping through a lot of hoops to be a pos…


But alot of people got the transmog through their 6 month subscription. So basically, anybody with a Blizz sub is a “fanboi”, by this logic.

I pay for every expansion, I pay monthly and they’re introducing content I can’t access with all the money I’ve paid. This incentives saving unique mounts, pets and transmog for the store and also covers the game itself being bad by propping it up financially with whales which directly harms regular players.

This is why awful mobile games make so much money, you don’t need good gameplay, you just need a small % of high spenders to bring in massive revenue for tiny development time and cost.

Ah, much better, thank you good sir. :slight_smile:

I’m still on the 6 month sub plan. I didn’t get it, because my renewal date is not up yet. If it’s still what the offer is when my renewal comes up, I’ll switch out to the 3 month sub.

I’d wager most people who got the mog actually went out of their way to renew. There’s no way everyone’s 6 month sub just happened to be “up for renewal” just this week.

People who got the mog went out of their way to get it.

How do fairy wings damage a game?

No, if you have the sub you will get it. Mine is not up for renewal.

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