Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

  1. Cares. Given.
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What ignorance ? The fact I seem actually informed on world poverty and the relative state of wealth distribution would be the opposite of ignorance.

You don’t seem to understand how privileged you are to even be on this forum, arguing about this, rather than be pulling double shifts for really low wages, just to afford an apartment and some food.

What is your point.

Or are you just saying this to be the ‘uh AcsHtuALLY’ guy

You have way more patience than I lol!!

the classic crowd is legit the millenial boomers who peaked during classic - wotlk and never adapted later on and said the game was bad.

No fam, you bad.

some havent been a fan of blizzards direction and they will take it out on those they feel are bigger supporters of blizzard and blame them for the poor quality I.E “how dare you give them more money for xmog they wont improve the quality of the game if you keep forking them cash over the store.”

That 20 million registered users back in June is not impressive for a 10 year old game ?

Cause they’re bored crapless cause they is nothing to do in the game. SL should have been released and in play now a month ago and it’s not you can only do the same crap for so long and it’s been like 2 years now. Hence angry people on here upset with those defending Blizzard for the disaster this game has become sorry.

This is why I prefer playing with friends. So if we do get a rando when we queue when we dont have 5 of us on at once…they can’t remove us for ignorant things like a tmog.

Do these “some” realize that you get the mog for quite literally giving Blizzard less money?

Listen man, you clearly never have been on the work force. If you have, I would say that you must not have much social experience.


Informed and actually being able to comprehend the information are two totally different things.
You’ve only demonstrated 1 of 2… that’s 50%… a failing grade.

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I’m playing WoW and Blizzard is getting less money from me per month than any other pay type, and was given the transmog as a bonus (6 month subscription). I don’t know how that would make me a “Blizzard fanboy” over anyone paying more per month.

People who pay with gold are actually giving Blizzard the most money per month, as their month of sub time cost someone $20. Even if the gold user isn’t paying out of pocket, someone is.

Sure he does… “Would you like fries with that?” was the most recent skill they taught him… now if only he could grasp the concept of pushing the button before asking the question…


I work as a short order cook and have kids. I’m the epitome of lower class at this point. After looking at your faction / server choices, I can certainly tell you seem to like to put yourself at a disadvantage. So that being said, get a job, ease up on buying the drugs that you HAVE to be on, and you could afford a lot more.

What I am miscomprehending in the information ?

I think some of you have a really warped view of what it means to be wealthy. You don’t have to have a Yacht, a Hollywood mansion and 3 Mercedes to be wealthy. In the overall grand scheme of things, simply having spare income, much less enough of it to pay for Internet + WoW + the PC you play on, is a relatively privileged position as far as owning resources in the world.

Riiiiight, but you’re ultimately not hurting their finances at all. I doubt that they care that a (relative) handful of people switched from 6-months to 3-months. You’re ultimately giving them more money unless you quit after 3-months.

Also, considering that this faery set came after the onesie (and also knowing the internet), I’m willing to bet that a lot of people are into the zany/silly stuff. So I wouldn’t hold your breath for this whole “wait-and-see” approach.

Eh, it’s not particularly private.

Regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re just burying your head in the sand and removing someone because they have different opinions than you. :man_shrugging:

Higher math concepts like this evade them.

have upset people ever acted rationally?


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Funny thing is you can get the Transmog just by doing a 6 month subscription to the game, which is actually a good deal if you plan to play until and through Shadowlands.