Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

So is the answer to this to wear the mog. Hoping to get someone to rage in the chat or do some sort of nasty emote at you.

Then you initiate the kick on them saying, “store bought mog”. And watch the group kick the toxic person because everyone just hits yes on any vote kick option.


WoW reached 100 million registered players… in 2014.

the weird thing about it is, if you already are subbed for 6 month intervals, you get the stuff regardless -_-

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A man with no money can be the wealthiest person alive.
A man with all the money can be the poorest person alive.

You realise a lot of the working class even in the US can’t afford playing WoW right ?

So you’re not actually disproving my point.

rip to them

I can’t tell either. But he certainly thinks he has It all figured out.

That’s a nonsensical point… I suggest you bounce your ideas off someone before posting for the world to see how ignorant you really are.

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That’s correct. They can kick you for A N Y reason they want, it doesn’t matter what the reason is. This is factual.

They’re just concerned with it being immoral, which it is. They’re within their rights to express that concern.

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^^ For everyone who gets mad that people want a viable single-player experience.

Buying store items is immoral, kicking players is just the community expressing their concern.

Trash opinion from a trash person.


I’m literally puzzled why 1) you’re mad at being called wealthy 2) don’t realise that yes, being able to afford Internet + a WoW sub + a gaming PC is quite wealthy.

You might have a warped view of wealth if you don’t understand that.

Reported for harassment.

But you get it for a sub.

It’s literally a bonus to you sub. What are you mad that someone paying for their sub got something?

You sir… have won the internet today with the dumbest thing ever posted on the forums. Congrats… here are your wings.


Go right ahead, cupcake :kissing_heart:


I’m not mad, I’m baffled at your ignorance.

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Wrong, you are not poverty if you can afford 20 bucks. You are middle class bourgeoisie that likes to flaunt your affluence through store bought glamours.

Just take a step back and realize that poor and disadvantaged people (like myself) can get offended and triggered by not getting the same options as wealthy players.

Considering it’s exactly the same as what I was replying to only flipped, you called “forums” post dumb too.
