Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

I enjoy the fact that everyone is just glossing over the fact that this post is nothing more than a Classic > Retail post and that this scenario probably never occurred.

Not only are they having trouble with the self owning, it would seem they missed another part of that post. :rofl:

You think they don’t have metrics for who gets what from the store ? Like which mounts sell more and sell less ? And you don’t think they use these metrics to fashion what future items they should put on the store ?

Because that’s not how you run a business…

Nope, a dungeon instance is not a public forum. It’s a private group of people.

WoW is like

Primo broke boy content to me.

15 dollars to entertain yourself for a MONTH any time you want save for a few hours of maintenance here and there. Meanwhile going to the movies with my friends can cost me 60 bucks after food, gas, entertainment and movie snacks.

  1. He’s not wrong, that’s how Blizzard set the system up.

  2. That does not mean its right. If it was 100% legal for me to go around punching people in the face, that doesn’t mean I should. :poop:heads who abuse such systems will grasp at any straw they can to justify being :poop:heads.


The situation in the OP isn’t 3 people being inconvenienced. It’s 3 people inconveniencing one person. Let’s get that straight. Let’s also get straight that someone being forcibly removed from a group for a transmog is on a different level of inconvenience than someone with a chip on their shoulder not liking that someone’s using a store mog.

Everyone who plays is paying to play. Being removed from a group because someone has a bias is something to be rightfully upset about. Wiping the group on purpose? Sure, kick away. Poor performance or being AFK? Also definitely kick-worthy. Wearing a transmog? To me at least, that doesn’t fall in the same category in the context that they’re also paying to play the game just like I am. Even if I don’t like the outfit, that in itself has no impact on me completing the content I grouped up for so there are zero grounds for me to kick them from the group over it.

This guy I’ve been going back and forth with thinks he’s a professor of logic or something. Oy vey

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^ this

I mean, being able to afford an Internet connected gaming PC is what is known as wealthy in this world. How is this escaping you ? The vast majority of the world’s population doesn’t have the privilege of owning an Internet connected PC, much less one that can run modern games.

Are you really mad at being called “Wealthy” ?

That just means they are In severe POVERTY. It’s sad and unfortunate. But that doesn’t make everyone ELSE wealthy.

Your toon wear whatever you want …

:thinking: if you’re losing an argument, just start a meta-argument!

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I think “able to afford an Internet connection” is kind of the bottom line of any chart we’d be considering here, my dude. Considering we are currently arguing on the Internet.

Including literal third world countries in your metric is disingenuous and you know it.

Same thing happened with the three store crowns, too.

People will find any reason to hate another person. Bonus points if the reason revolves around another person appearing to have more disposable income than they do.

Must really suck living a life where you feel the need to just hate on people just to hate on people.

That’s not how Blizzard presents it. If they decide to vote to kick, it’s their choice. If it passes, it was legitimate.

You were not removed from a group because of one person though. It required a majority. That’s that.

I really think you seem under the impression “wealthy” means something it doesn’t actually mean.

But we didn’t change the argument, the guy just got mad because I said “all WoW players are wealthy and don’t really need empathy based on their purchasing habits”.

Agreed. Final Fantasy 14 reached over 20 million registered users back in June. Now, not all of those people are currently playing and some just registered for the beta back in the day. Either way, the game is massive and has a huge in game store. Whether the people are “weebs” or not is irrelevant in any business sense.

Honestly I can’t tell if he really believes teh mess he says or is just a troll.

But he high key reminds me of that energy vampire from “What We Do in the Shadows.”

Colin Robinson.

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Try telling any working class person that they are wealthy, go ahead. I DARE YOU.

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Have to let that roll off your back. I’ve been kicked for rolling need on a transmog – as a healer. World is full of psychopaths who don’t care. Once you accept that then nothing they do bothers you. They’re really doing you a favor by revealing themselves.