Someone in my group was kicked for having the store transmog

I already have commented on kicking earlier. Also, seems you don’t understand what wealthy means.

If you’re kicking people for what their in-game character is wearing, you’re literally trash.


The irony.
Just wearing a store item doesn’t make you a ‘raving irrational fanboy’.
But kicking people over a store item and being toxic to them IS being a raving irrational person.



The mog is ugly. There are so many ugly mogs, the only difference is this one is given to specific subscribers. People need to move on and get over it.

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Dude just take the L on this one.

Briselody my friend, you are arguing with someone who doesn’t even realized they proved you right, while claiming you owned yourself. Best to use the ignore feature and move on. Life is too short.


I’m running Headless Horseman on alts on the other screen, this’ll do as well as anything else for interim entertainment :joy:

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I mean, maybe it’s you who’s mistaken on what wealthy actually means.

If 3 people decide to kick, the reason is not important. Majority rule.

Never said it did, I’m commenting on people who say “how can you call someone else a fanboy if you’re playing WoW”. Playing WoW doesn’t make someone a Blizzard fanboy.

What L ? If you have an Internet connected PC able to run WoW, you are amongst the wealthiest human beings on the planet. A majority of humans don’t even have access to such commodities.

OH killing time lol!! If you were Horde I’d tank que you.

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Am I living in the twilight zone.

They claimed WoTLK was more successful despite having a cash shop, the cash shop was introduced right as WoTLK was ending, the success happened before it was introduced, 6 months later the game started to decline for the first time since its release.

In what world would any rational person use that as an argument for WoTLK’s success?

Oh yeah, GD posters don’t actually play the game.

You don’t even realize how ridiculous you sound saying that.

Who says they didn’t get it for free with a 6 month sub?

Ah yes, the creed of systemic discrimination everywhere.

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Also, I never “woke up” and was trans-racial/trans-sexual. That is how I always was and it has put me at a great disadvantage in real life and in the game.

Saying what ? That most of the planet’s population couldn’t even afford to play WoW at all ? That’s just a fact.

3 people in a group of 5 is not a system, so it’s not “systemic discrimination”.

Oh I see now. So your plan has nothing at all to do with affecting how Blizzard operates. You’re just going to pay them more money and then hope that they don’t make more transmogs that you happen to dislike.

Seems like a legit strategy…

If we’re talking about removing someone because they have a store-bought transmog suit? Yeah, it’s ultimately pretty similar.

You’re shutting someone down from doing the dungeon that they queued/searched for, and for no other reason than having a different opinion from you (over fashion, no less). How is that different?

Aside from your arbitrary reason that groups are “more private”, even though you’re using public LFD/LFG tools that group random players together.

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That person was fortunate not to have to run with that level of idiocy.

I get that you probably find this very clever and hilarious but it really just comes off a bit pathetic, bud.


No, that everyone who plays WoW Is wealthy. Again, you don’t understand what It means to be wealthy. Lmao

Wear store transmogs at your own discretion.

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