Someone has hacked my account

hello GM, someone has hacked my account and changed the email and telephone number associated with it, can I get it back to me…and I have proof that the account is mine

You will need to folow these steps a GM wont contact u. Also i cant stress this enough DONT REPLY TO THE DONOTREPLY EMAIL. has to be replied via ticket on a new acount.


I was playing a game and just BOOM I immediately logged out of my account and found an email that my account email had been replaced by a new email and I didn’t get any notification beforehand and I didn’t click on any links in the game

What’s the Battletag?


I’m going to asked this be banned as a method of locking down the account till this can get sorted.

Whoever asked for this change had more information about the account than they should have had.

This is also an example of why NOT to use bogus info on an account, I am of course making a presumption you are not, in fact, Spiderman.


Forgive me for using the name of a character in my favorite movie, what will I get notified by? Is it via the previously linked email?

You need to put in a compromise ticket on this.

You can use the account you are posting under here, but be very specific as to which account you are referring.

I’d also strongly recommend if this can be sorted you change the email to a new one and add an authenticator - although with as much info as they had on this account it may be difficult to keep them out.


Can I get my account back?

While most of the time you can recover accounts, having fake information on it and someone else having lots of information makes it more complicated. You’ll need to proceed through tickets in order to know whether it is recoverable.


Follow the steps in the link Darthwraith posted above.

Make sure you scan your computer for any malicious software. I’d strongly recommend creating a brand new email address that you use for your BattleNet account and nothing else. You can change the email to the new one and add an authenticator once you get your account back.


I hope my account can be returned

most of the time accounts are recoverable. Keep in mind it is your responsibility for account security. So when you get your account back, make sure all the personal information is true. Add an authenticator and SMS protect. Make a new email for the GM to attach the account to will also help greatly. Be sure the email is ONLY for Blizzard. zip you have any other questions feel free to ask, we will do our best to guide you through this.


Honestly, you really need to be concerned how someone has so much of your personal information. It really is vital you determine how this happened before your bank account is empty or you get credit cards opened in your name.


To be honest, I also feel strange, how do hackers get information about me and I also don’t get any notification about my account being logged in on another device or something like that, and I’m really afraid that this problem will spread to other things such as bank accounts and etc. I am very grateful that there are you friends who want to tell me and guide me so that this problem can be resolved quickly

It’d be them, the hackers, gotten into your email account and may had social engineered you into giving them info about yourself. Or looked at a place like Facebook with info to your questions you had setup, like where ya had your high school graduation, or denoting a new job ya got.


Isn’t it rude to assume someone’s identity these days. Shame on you Orlyia, kidding we love you, you cheeky lil blue.


uh hackers are very scary, to be honest this makes me a little scared

Does anyonenelse have access to your computer or play on your account.

no friends or other people access my pc and email