“Mom can we get a playable dragon race?!!”
“NO we have a playable dragon race at home.”
The playable dragon race at home:
“Mom can we get a playable dragon race?!!”
“NO we have a playable dragon race at home.”
The playable dragon race at home:
I play classic a lot, it’s a fun change of pace.
The differences are superficial compared to the core of the game which is level up, then do: dungeons/raids/PvP/achievements/collections.
Every expansion is a new twist on the same formula.
People get so caught up in the hyper min/max minutia they can’t see the forest through the trees.
I would disagree on that, past expations the gearing up method largely stayed the same.
You would do a given heroic, raid, or what have you, and you knew what dropped off of what boss, and you knew once you get that item, thats it, you dont need to keep farming for it.
Post MoP we saw the steady introduction and increasing frequencey of this “Yeah but you could get a BETTER version of it.” taking over, with the introduciton of warforged gear, then titan forged, M+ being a “You can do it to get a better version of the item you already have” ect ect.
That all started at the end of MoP. Thats not even a subjective opinion, thats a given fact, that post MoP blizzard introduced the idea of you can always get a better piece and the set end point of an item dropping and being what you needed fell to the way side.
Because of that constant carrot on a stick, blizzard has used that as a crutch for “Content” as evident in the M+ system where they lean heavily on “Here just do the same damn dungeon all exp long we will just make the gear better and bigger numbers lol.”
Because of that exucse of “Content” blizzard has slipped and basically forgotten about every other part of the game. Prof were abandoned, Archiology was just literally tossed out, we dont have anything like cooking, fishing, or prof dailies any longer. we dont have things like daily dungeons or heroic quests just weeklies that you do the required amount to get a scratcher card for your vault.
So i disagree, no, post MoP we have not gotten “More wow.” all we have gotten is "Here do what you have already be doing but we pretend it s different now. "
Won’t lie. Lost a lot of interest when I went to Valdrakken and one quest involves a Drak’thyr reuniting a Frog Drake thing that apparently is not even capable of speech, the Drak’thyr’s “pet” by any other name; with said pet’s husband.
Oh and the Drak’thyr’s quest text is comically over the top about pointing out how you NEED to reunite the frog with HIS Husband. After rereading it, and not being sure if this was a joke or an homophobic insult in the vein of Theralion’s voice; I realized it was in fact not.
So I closed the game, and went to bed thinking “They call themselves professionals?”.
There’s good story telling and good methods of providing representation, and then there’s over the top stupid that insults the very group your trying and failing to give representation to. This is a good example of the latter and whoever wrote this quest should feel bad.
It’s either that or someone at Blizzard fantasizes about frogs…
i got nothin for you, OP.
You mean three not so good xpacs and two of them absolutely dog crap
Don’t be hyped at all. Just go in not expecting much and go from there.
but that should start with this.
in the expansion reveal trailer to show us this way.
and not of this cringe podcast style.
really for a game it is shown with aesthetics, and there really are things that the news devs are not doing properly, not just because it is traditional.
Thing that we would only have to wait for is what happened with the course after November 28 when the next expansion advances.
Be hyped or not. I don’t care
Nothing here either. And I really wish I did but it looks pretty grim.
Are you saying in a row? I loved legion.
People seem happy to pay for dirty water content so…you get what you paid for.
Legion was the start of pvp scaling. And scaling is a bandaid fix for something fundamentally wrong. I think scaling started to become quite prevalent in every area of wow from legion.
Borrowed power systems. Aka parasitic systems. The start of the world of Systemcraft. This was really the rise of what Ion wanted for world of Warcraft and as we can see coming out shadowlands that his vision has been so poor…but somehow he is in charge of a fourth xpac.
I mostly agree with you. I guess because legion was fun to me (after an xpac like wod) and I have great memories of PvP and all the open world things there was. I’m probably looking back with rose tinted goggles (whatever the saying is).
I actually liked our Lego weapons and the power we gained all xpac in legion (don’t hate me).
I didn’t like the systems in BFA and SL.
This IS what I am excited for, lol. I have been begging for more flying related content for awhile. I am also excited about the crafting overhaul, I love crafting. I am also excited to see what kind of quests we get out of this, and all the zones look very lush and high fantasy. I am also hoping they continue to expand interfaction mechanics, so I can play more alliance characters and still game with my friends.
sit com series that were all hits in their day.
What is different about them when it comes down to it?
Its all the same ingredients.
But for some reason people loved these sit coms while hating literally hundreds of failed series over decades of trash network crap put out.
Why did these do so well and others do so horribly when the basic ingredients were all the same.
Clearly you CAN do the same thing over and over and have SOME of it be great and SOME of it suck.
So yeah…WoW is a few expansions in and its the same thing. Actors. Scripts. Sets. Like its been every other time.
And that DOESNT mean its going to suck this time anymore than the next sit com to hit the air will suck.
Sometime they find the magic that works. Sometimes they dont.
Some Movie Sequels are total bombs…some are hits.
Some series spinoffs suck…some are better than the series that kicked them off.
Lets stop pretending that WoW is old and therefore cant have another good expansion.
We know that isnt true.
DF deserves the same chance we gave BFA and SLs.
If you cant give it that, then just stop playing WoW for your own sake.
I work a really stressful job 55-60hrs a week. I get home, and I just want a little escapism. I want to quest and dungeon in a world where I’m not crushed by spreasheets and Teams meetings. I want a world where I can choose to fish for an hour if I want, quest, collect new pets, run dungeons, do world quests and invasions, pug a raid, craft some items for gold, maybe do a BG or two…stuff that I don’t feel absolutely forced or obligated to do.
I guess I’m excited for what sounds like an expansion that is heading back to the basics of what I find fun. I want to close the door on SL and not look back. I’m not going to judge until I play it. And if this one isn’t to my liking, I hope others enjoy it. Just looking forward to a new chapter in WoW.
M+ is and will be fine.
Dracthyr/evoker is fun/still being polished.
Talent trees are great, and are a great foundation for the future.
Group loot is fine, personal loot wasn’t winning any awards.
We’re in the tuning phase of beta.
Dragonriding is super fun.
and finally, I agree they shouldn’t split the dungeon pool in season one. But acting like there isn’t 8 dungeons is disingenuous.
Dragonlands is hype for me, personally.
The issue is, in your example what wow has been doing is taking a show, randomly inserting new characters, and removing old favorite ones, each season, and they end up taking out characters that everyone loves, while keeping characters that everyone hates around for no really good reason.
Example being The mission table being kept around for reasons, or the removal of reforging and item upgrading.
Or they will put characters in that have an interesting story that we want to know more or needs a bit of development and it would be one of the best characters of the show, only to have them die off screen for reasons.
IE Garrisons, and archeology.
All of this comes down to , blizzard is SUPER outta touch with what their player base wants.
Eh, when Balance tree got revamped. I was happy, now they’re making some heavy handed and questionable decisions that makes some of the capstone garbage.
How they handle Druid and Guardian tree is utter incompetence though.
Hell at this point I think I’d trust Gearbox or Grimdawn’s devs to do a better job at designing a tree than Blizzard.