Some WoD Crafted Armor Sets and Weapons Unobtainable in Shadowlands

I don’t know why the tag items weren’t just bumped up to 13+ month rewards. Fomo on referrals is beyond stupid.


What they need to do is create new Draenor crafting patterns that create cosmetic armor appearances same as the original upgrades.


This, it will probably be quicker than whatever they are trying to do now, if they are even bothering atm.

Then again look at the lack of effort they put into the Trial of Style, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing anything in the next several years.


They probably won’t ever be making these transmog appearances obtainable again. They really should at some point, but I don’t think they will.

The old Recruit a Friend mounts and pets are never coming back. They were permanently retired when they revamped the system.

why do you think these crafting xmogs wont come back? do you have some privileged info or is it just a hunch or something else?

There’s been no sign of the appearances becoming available again. If they do come back, it probably won’t be anytime soon as they seem to be understaffed at the moment and are probably mainly focused on the next expansion.

They never did a Brawler’s Guild season for Shadowlands and they never added any Heritage Armor content either.



but did the brawlers’ guild and the heritage armor get blue posts promising them? if not then that would make a difference, no?

The heritage armor did but they didn’t say when.


so why do you think that this indefiniteness of when means definitely never?

You’re asking the wrong person.

true it was directed at TOVI but i had ALBRICKSEN in mind as well. seems to be the underlying logic there

I guess time really DOES move differently in the Shadowlands.



Remember when you said this 2 years ago?
Your customer’s remember…


No one to blame but your own when you had the opportunity to get it before the inevitable

Hey Clark!
How long do you think “temporarily” should be? Because we’re on 2 years so far…



Lasting for a limited time

Limited time can vary from months to years

I shouldn’t have to explain the word temporarily to you but I gave you an exception just in case you didn’t know that words definition

Consider it a nice gesture

So gross, Clark defends Blizzard lies… again…
No shame at all.

It would be funny if it wasn’t sad.

Side note: Temporarily is not temporary…


I wouldn’t know since all I see is “View 1 Hidden Reply”.

It makes the forum experience much nicer IMO.


Temporarily is an adverb of temporary

I hope I don’t need to explain adverbs to you next

Why do they respond to it, I wonder

It doesn’t even play the game

Kind of a shame that the wod weps were forgotten