Some things people dont like to talk in faction imbalance

so day after day of constant faction thread constant misinformation lets shed some light on some of the little things that players that whine about dont want to talk about.

their census data tends to be highly inaccurate. this is an obvious point but its also a major point. most of the “census” tool mods are only /whoing then tallying players. why is this inaccurate because its counting characters not accounts people that have multiple toons will skew the data, furthermore since its only counting people when people have the addon are playing and these addons are not widespread it means some players play in “blackout” times when the census won’t count them.

Next there is nothing blizzard can do to fix an imbalance. oh the whiners will claim that blizzard can but the reality is blizzard can’t force players to play on servers they don’t want to play on. you will have people say to faction lock transfers nice idea but the problem is that the only people that tend to want to switch off a server are players that are unhappy on the server… ie the “lead” factions not gonna really have any desire to switch. another “fix” is faction locking log ons/ toon creation, all i have to say to this idiotic Idea is congratulation you just came up with the fastest way to kill a game. if you put a gun to your players heads you will tick them off and guess what they will just stop playing altogether.


Even so. Unless you expect one faction to be alt-a-holics. Wouldn’t it still balance out and be a good estimate?

not really i’m not say that the censuses cant be close just pointing out that that is ones of the things that makes the census inaccurate because the people whining that the factions are so horrible imbalanced are holding up the cenus like they are solid stone and perfect. in reality they are not and that because of all the ways that an cenuse can be faulty the reality 70 - 30 could actually be closer to 60- 40 in reality or even 55 45.

to give you an example planetfall 2 had this happen a lot when one faction would become “active” and if you flash censused the server at the time it would tell you that oh the vanu sovern are the major faction when in reality it was terran rep had the most players

Don’t release XRBGs. Have them server based. Simple.
Now the one ingame incentive to balanced factions is restored, and the snowballing we see now might stop.


You’re 100% right, so of course Blizzard won’t do it :^)


This is difficult to say without better information for precisely how census data is gathered, how many people are using the addons for gathering the data, and how often they are online per server.

There was another thread discussing ConsensusPlusClassic, and whether it was broken when Blizzard changed the ability to automate /who() API calls from addons.

Basically, it seems that for concensus data to be gathered, people need to install the addon, manually start data collection, and upload the results. As the process is relatively convoluted, one might expect this to not be an addon for everyone.

However, with the populations we have on WoW Classic, is it a realistic assumption that there would be at least one character on either faction, on every server running consensus at any given time? We could certainly do some further investigation into how realistic that might be, if we choose to.

On the other hand, we also have data based on Warcraftlogs, which is representative of the numbers of raids who have at least 1 person in the raid logging and uploading to the warcraftlogs site. It seems reasonable to assume that this would be a good indication of the ratio of Alliance to Horde who are at least raid-ready and/or high or max level and/or raid geared or gearing. It also seems reasonable to assume that this would be a good indication of the relative differences in population size between realms, e.g. Faerlina has roughly double the raiding population of Kurinnaxx.

There are obvious deficiencies in the data we have available, making certain estimates or assumptions unreasonable, but some do seem quite reasonable to make.

So what you’re saying is it’s cool to make all the ally want to quit because of the pvp imbalance but not cool to make horde quit over faction ques? Seems like horde logic to me.


ah yes we must not make the allies upset we must please allies over horde. seems like total ally logic to me.

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Make alliance quit over faction balance is fine compared to horde quitting over ques is exactly what you said. What a biased statement hahaha


hey guess what, ive already unsubbed so now you have one less alliance player to camp.

hey guess what else. im not the only alliance player unsubbing. everntually youll have NO ONE to kill so enjoy your pve servers in a couple months.

were already “just stopping playing altogether”

you really don’t get it do you your trying to justify punishing horde and alliance players just because some allies are unhappy. also

didnt say that wanna know why? because both allies and horde would be quitting see this is were your ignorance shows. horde does not dominate every server on some servers allies are dominant. thus this would hurt everyone not just horde. your just gonna cause a ton of players to quit because your trying to appease a few thin skinned players that honestly should not be on pvp servers.

this is already happening, though. server populations are down significantly in the past 2 weeks.

Also, census uses warcraft logs and auction house data to tabulate - while exact numbers are impossible to get, it likely paints a fairly accurate picture of faction ratios.

yea server shrink

That’s speculative.

Since blizzard has never tried it, it’s impossible to know how it would effect the game.

It’s worked well in other games, though.

not really stop and think about what is being asked players want to faction lock logons and yet the they say that the balance is 70 30. that means that even smaller faction signed on then less that half the bigger faction could be signed on. want to know the fastest way to drive players away from a game? refuse to let them play.