Faction specific queues

I stated:


I asked:

To which, you answered:

Thank you. It’s nice of you to post some information regarding the ConsenusPlusAddon, which is used by the WoW Classic Realm Population site. The more people who use it, the more accurate our data can be.

That there exists an imbalance of factions on some servers is not in question. What is in question, other than obviously the questions I’ve clearly asked, and just quoted, thus asked twice, is whether efforts to balance server faction populations would resolve any problems.

In other words, are there any problems that are directly the result of imbalanced faction populations?

Aside: How accurate is the population data we have?

From the Wowhead post linked above:

  • the information present right now isn’t very representative
  • this data is not complete and could use more contributions

We also have https://ironforge.pro/servers?region=us&filter=true which is based on raid logs.

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