Some player creates a fresh 120 and dominates in Arena

Matters more in arena, less in Bgs.

The fact that it’s an issue at all is the problem


thats not right, arenas are about CC and coordination

bgs are about taking objectives with damage and healing

it might matter a little more at higher ratings, but thats a small, small % of players. lets talk about what actually matters

You need more damage in arena to secure a kill. And once you die, that’s it. In Bgs most maps have more than one objective.

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It’s the opposite.

Arenas are more about damage and healing to land a kill.

Whereas in a BG you can complete an objective and win despite having less damage and healing.

One Battle for Gilneas comes to mind where we captured Mines and Lighthouse, and wiped at Mines.

Resurrected Ally players charged in to yolo spin the node just before they were killed, repeated over and again until eventually Horde recaptured it… but not before falling behind so many points we won the match with just Lighthouse.


a 280 is worthless in bgs, stop encouraging people to queue up and hope they never see any enemy players

100% worthless

Random Bgs are for everyone. If you care about gear so much, rated Bgs are there and you can pick all the top geared players and see how you do.

you dont even play bfa and encourage under geared people to queue up and hold their team back

solid trolling right there. the gear gap is too large for it to be for everyone, it makes for bad games


People said the same thing before and it’s always the same answer. Bgs are for everyone.

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whats funny is that you said you didnt like the wod gearing system and there were too many under geared players queuing up

its even worse now but you defend it and dont even play the game

as for me doing rated, i dont have a group and im not waiting all day looking for geared players that want to join someone with no experience at all in rbgs.

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This is true I did say that and stand by it. The gap was worse then.

its really wasnt though

a fresh 120 now has a small fraction of the health a 440 does. the difference is absolutely massive now


And there’s scaling in place. They could tighten it up some, but it’s still there.

lmao, good luck with the scaling helping you kill a 440 on a 280

they have like 6 times the HP, the scaling doesnt do that much

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Good thing BGs aren’t about 1v1.

a team of 280s will lose hard to a team of 440s

you are encouraging people to queue and be useless and hope they get carried


This doesn’t happen, and both sides get them.

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The side which has more is going to lose.

I don’t know if you have done BG’s recently on a fresh 120. You get massacred without essences.

Edit:- I geared a rogue from fresh 120 doing BG’s last week. Not much fun . Atleast I could CC and make myself useful in some ways but to get kills…or to survive when caught in a 1-1 situation was painful.


still encouraging them

crappy for you to do when you dont even play

Exactly. Do the important stuff some geared players don’t know how to do.

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