Some Changes: It's no accident

They dont.
They have an agenda.

Its a big club and we aint in it.


Citation needed

A baseless conspiracy theory

That’s an opinion

They are items that did not exist before being added. That is, by definition, an “additive aspect”

#nochanges” was a thing for Vanilla Classic, no such promise was made for TBC Classic. And if you look, these store items are not going to be added to the Vanilla Classic servers and thus maintain that #nochanges ideal, so if that’s make or break for you then feel free to stay in Vanilla

So if I walk into a pizza store and am just out of the blue offered a new special pizza they came up with, the employees intend to deceive me? That’s a joke, right?

Nope just goblins like you who lie and bear false witness at any and opportunity.
YOUR game sucks jay.

People dont want to play refail jay.

Thats why have of SL player base has unsubbed before the first content patch.

They just dont care its so terrible.

And you hate them for it… so you make changes to classic, the better game made by better people.

Get replaced.

Yup, it’s why the idea of intellectual property is kinda retarded when there really isn’t anything new. I guess we can pretend stuff is new but really it isn’t.

I learned recently that sending pictures over the wire has been a tech (obviously evolved tremendously) since the early 1920’s…

Crazy to think the tech has been around that long, and in actuality goes back a lil further to like the 1890’s…

Super interesting eh?

i admit. my claim that

is entirely my opinion and is not based on any factual information whatsoever

dont forget just 5 years ago, 3 years before classic launched, blizzard told this to one of its fans asking for legacy servers

they are not additive in the sense that they are beneficial to the game in any way. they lack justification for their existence beyond taking advantage of high paying customers.

i failed to understand your point in this half hearted attempt at an essay that you seem to gave up halfway through and then said eh ill post it anyways

thats a false equivalency which shows you either intentionally dont understand what i am talking about, or intentionally wish to act like you dont understand what i am talking about

1 flaw in your theory.

Shadowlands is trash.

Who’s it drawing in besides the bored retail players who are playing TBC and waiting for new content in Shadowlands?

You act as if all the people who play TBC are just waiting for shadowlands content to release.

Shadowlands and tbc are very different games and each have a different crowd.

Yes and the people that want to play og wow vastly outnumber the people who do pet battles and collect skankenwear.

Its clear… there is an agenda to twist and contort classic to diminish its numbers.

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I don’t get where that makes sense because as long as people are subbed they are still making the same amount of money.

TBC and shadowlands subs are the same price.

It makes no difference where their money comes from.

If anything making either game bad hurts their revenue

And for several years before this they said Classic servers were straight up impossible because they no longer had the data for them

Point is, opinions change over time, through a change of knowledge, ideas, technology, and/or resources

They’re items that do not exist otherwise. If you want them you can buy them, if you don’t you lose nothing by not buying them

Half hearted attempt at an essay? If anything I would’ve liked to make it LESS wordy. This sounds like pointless posturing to avoid addressing the actual point

Let’s assume I don’t know what you’re talking about then, because the scenario sounds essentially the same from the way I understood it. You said “the only reason to offer players (customers) something they didn’t ask for is to deceive them”. In this scenario, I am a customer and I did not ask for the new special, so them offering it to me means they’re trying to deceive me, right?

I know when I’m done with a game. I know I’m not going back to retail or that I’ll never replay Morrowind or other games I’ve quit. But I don’t know everyone. I’ll concede the possibility that some people might quit games without knowing why and decide to start playing again without having any conscious reason for doing so. I suppose it’s possible that some people don’t know what they want and move through their life like a leaf blown on the wind.

Careful, if you give him too much attention he’ll latch onto you and stalk you through any topic you post in. I’m still trying to get rid of him

just because its possible that opinions changed doesnt make the past nonexistent. the evidence for their smug and callous disregard for player feedback especially when it concerns their previous work is blatantly obvious. but really whats your point?

but you left out the best part

“they” being

just say what you mean and dont shroud it in some riddle

shutup jay

The people who wanted to play shadowlands have already bought it and either quit, kept playing or went to classic.

They aren’t making money off of new shadowlands players.

I own shadowlands and quit in 6 weeks, I’m not going back to it, I couldn’t be less interested in patch 9.1.

With that being said they have already made money off me buying the game, my sub is the exact same regardless of which game I play.

All the people who wanted to play or try shadowlands have already bought it.

What you’re saying makes 0 sense, as the sub prices are the same regardless.

Yeah saying “you think you do but you don’t” is pretty dickish but what does something said by one guy 5 years ago have to do with current events?


If you have no control over your own wallet and feel “taken advantage of” by the mere existence of a sparkly shop mount that’s a you issue

It’s not a riddle, it’s a hypothetical comparison meant to point out that your reasoning, as I understood it, is asinine. I’m still waiting on you to either explain your reasoning, or clarify what you actually meant if I misunderstood

tldr uh huh yeah

it encapsulates the entire viewpoint held by blizzard corporation tm. if they wanted to add anything they would have.

lol calm down. “taken advantage of” whatever you want to call it, you enter your credit card info for a item in the game that was not in there before.

blah blah blah really are you going to make a point any time soon?

The game HAD 12 million subs.
People quit to play for free with no one attacking the players.

s3 add rating gatekeeping

Arena participation declines sharply in s4.

Same bs xpac after xpac…

When the bar people from earning the game suffers.

What is asinine, is proclaiming this isnt or wont happen again when people are already leaving… and your trash team just barred over half of the players out of earning arena gear before we’re out of beta… (we’re actually in alpha right jay?)

He came here 3 days ago to stoke outrage about BC. When the game comes out in 8 days and everything he posted is proved wrong he’ll be gone again.

No, it encapsulates the entire viewpoint held by blizzard corporation 5 years ago

I am calm

That’s literally what you called it. that’s why I put it in quotations.

I did. Please address it and stop acting like a petulant child. Or, in other words…

god, one can only hope…he seems to think I’m some shill or something and I’d certainly love to see a paycheck soon if that’s true :frowning:

Yes and how many people dont even know about arenas yet jay?