Some Changes: It's no accident

The gaming industry as a whole is a terrible place to work.

This logic makes no sense. If I stop playing TBC classic, I’m not gonna play retail, I’m simply going to play a different game.

I’m glad he died penniless and hope his estate got nothing.

hey bro 9.1 is a different game. sure its technically still “wow” but its all updated and cool and stuff now. look you even get to battle each others pets!

…and just like a different game I get to decide whether or not to play. And I can choose not to.

no, I do not

I think we’ve discovered a flaw in your logic - it’s only “you’re either with me or against me” to you, there is no middle ground “I just don’t care and speak for myself with my money”

my logic? what argument was i using logic for? can you be specific?

Whoa! They do, the old gods are a hella ripoff.

And this is why the whole IP theft thing is just so silly an argument from the blizzard fanboys. Not saying I’m not a fan of old blizzard games, cuz I love em, but it’s obvious they didn’t really come up with their own original ideas… it’s so borrowed and recycled that it’s almost comical.

Hey now, pet battling is pretty popular

yes, your logic. your reasoning. the method of thinking in which you formulate your arguments and discussions. your logic

Most games are if you think about, movies too.

That’s an employee. That’s why they are on the forums 12 hours a day…

Always defending the most absurd changes.

They actually come to the forums and attack the customer.

Not much surprise when there’s goblins afoot…

to be fair current retail wow is really fun. i just dont have the same desire to invest my time in it as i do classic. classic just has a more straightforward approach to gameplay that 2021 current year mmo games dont seem to want to emulate. its really disheartening honestly. i missed the days of 2004-2008 where things made sense in mmos. but it all comes down to the cycle of “add new content, try new ideas, dont backpedal” and eventually you put out some garbage that sucks and its really hard to retract something like the argent tournament or dungeon finder.


THERE’S NOTHING TO BE SPECIFIC ABOUT. your logic is your reasoning behind your statements and actions!

Why get mad just tell jayteam you cant reach the cattle and they should probably hire someone else…

You’re just out of touch.

im saying be specific because i have no idea to what logic you are referencing. like, i want to examine this supposed flaw you seem to have a problem with, and yet you dont seem to be able to procure this thing that has caught your attention.

ok, let me break it down for you

you say “blizzard is intentionally sabotaging their Classic servers by introducing cash services”

I respond with “no they are not”

you then go on to say “so you think adding cash services to Classic is a good thing?”

to that, I respond “I did not say that”

you then say “so you agree with me?”

and my conclusion is “no, and that’s the issue with how you think, you only see in black and white and see nothing in between”

blizzard adds store mounts and paid level boosts because that makes them money. they dont care about whether or not its bad or good for the game because it doesnt matter to them. good bad whatever, call it whatever you want. the point is they are doing it to sabotage the game. if the did it to prolong the games existence, then they wouldnt be doing it in the first place. store mounts and level boosts are not some dynamic new additive aspect to the game, they directly go against the fundamentals of creating legacy servers as they were then, because they are directly different to how they were then. the only reason to offer players something different than what they ask for is if your intention is to deceive.

They will never have a perspective a player would understand because they are salesmen and bootlickers.

Who the hell is on the forums 12 hours defending buzzards?
Other buzzards.

They’re employed here.

imagine thinking blizzard is changing classic because they think its a good idea