Some Changes: It's no accident

Because WoW isn’t made for casuals anymore and they don’t appeal to that base. They are catering to the hardcore sweats and have been for quite some time

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There’s a guy i watch who shot up to a million subs in less then a year just telling stories well.

Vanilla had the honor grind, this was not rating, I have participated in every system since Vanilla.

TBC ARENA seasons 1&2 no rating (highest ever arena participation)
TBC arena season 3 rating added 1850 weapons 2k shoulder) participation dropped a bit
TBC arena season 4 ratings increased, participation drops more.
Wrath season 5 participation drops further because it’s become too exclusive
Seasons 5 wrath to Season 11 Cata arena is kinda struggling to get people interested.

Season 12 MoP, ratings eliminated,
Season 13 MoP players start to participate in arena again with updates to PvP systems; game balance that appears to work
Seasons 14 & 15 MoP participation is nearly % equal to Seasons 1&2 TBC, it really was spectacular.

WoD crashes the arena because RNG LOOT and bad bad bad game design

Legion is a template nightmare and the start of the abject failure mode know as “retail”

SL arena gear upgrades are controlled by rating, participation drops even more to a previously unimaginable low.

Yeah. Tying weapons and gear to lt commander and higher was “different.” Lol.


WoD still had vendors

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There are no weapons from the PvP grind excluding R14 weapons, the PvP grind in Vanilla Classic is not comparable to anything that came after it; it’s not a measure of skill of game play, but a completely different mechanism from start to end.

If you had any idea what you were talking about you wouldn’t even dared include vanilla in this.

This could be the dumbest thing I have ever read.

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Yes WoD had vendors and some cool options, but for all it did well it also had RNG BiS items tied to ashran that you could only get by chain farming ashran.

The items could not be purchased for conquest points, it was a completely horrible system because formerly the options at the vendor weren’t as important due to reforge being the go-around for stat allocation woes; this in addition to gem / enchanting.


reason why they diddnt go back to the old system is probably something to do with the coding not being right and them not wanting to fix it or just sheer idiocy.

either way it shouldnt be implemented.

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if they do, they are disregarding the findings

define “minor amount of people”
define “riled up”

yeah because this is still the best shot we have at 100% guarantee that our characters wont be deleted. thats it.

blah blah blah blah blah

Actually its very specific; if you knew anything about the PvP system you wouldn’t have mocked me on that.

Lol, I see you fail to understand the general public.

I’m trying to find any indication gear from ashran was unbuyable, but everything points to it just being free conquest vendor gear at a low drop rate.

The vendor gave options even in set slots (ie, set chest or non set chest) with multiple different stats.

In Classic you start buying gear at rank two and pretty regularly after that.

The other difference being that ranking in Classic does not require PvP skill, simply time played, and social skill in the highest ranks.

You do know there isn’t just the 2 extremes of easy and insanely hard right?

explain what made you come to that conclusion

Can you post a source on your participation claims?

Would like to have them handy to post in other threads.

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If you went and asked the avg player when prepatch was, if there was a paid mount, etc

Basically anything not found directly in game, they wouldn’t even know. Most people don’t go to outside resources, even these forums, because they don’t care.

They play the game the way they want to play it and they don’t really care what other people or even blizzard are doing.

The forums are a minority, blizzard has even stated as such, most of the players just don’t care at all.

so they changed it in 6.2, that’s why anything before that doesn’t reference it

That sucks, bfa was probably the worst arena system because of the complete RNG.

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