Some Changes: It's no accident

No thanks, couldn’t pay me enough to work for activision. They do not care about their staff. Activision Blizzard is only slightly worse than EA in terms of quality of work atmosphere. It’s so far down the totem pole in that respect that it’s a wonder the lights are still on. Everyone with the opportunity to go elsewhere is doing so for a very good reason; it’s not because the pay is gonna be better elsewhere, but because it doesn’t suck as bad at better companies who care a little more about their staff.


They’re playing five dimensional chess with Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

I knew a guy that play tested for them back in Wrath. It was a miserable place to work even then.

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what part of store mount in tbc and official paid level boosts indicating blizzard is intentionally sabotaging their own intellectual property doesnt make sense to you?

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Except, they’re not.

It’s a very minor amount of people even riled up over it and even less will quit over it.

It’s a well thought out plan to make extra money, and it will with very little affect on the overall game.

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And you actually understand it; this pleases me.

It’s funny how the average joe is looked down on when it’s the average joe who’s the backbone of the game.

Building content for the Uber top is fine, but it shouldn’t be the focus.

Building wheelchair ramp content that cannot be failed and that’s acceptable too but shouldn’t be a focus.

WoW was wildly popular because it was built on the average joe, designed for the average joe, and catered to the average joe specifically with the average joe in mind.

It’s the bulk of the players, the average joe who blizzard basically kicked to the curb with all the exclusives BS like arena ratings on gear, mythic mode raid and ultra hard modes that award better loot as the primary focus of the design team, and pet battles and quests in world that have positively no soul on a wheel chair ramp that you cannot fall off of.

Retail is so far gone that it blows my mind that HQ would let this clown show keep goin down the toilet all while kicking it’s core audience out the door all to cater to the 3% of gamers who don’t realize that their niche in game is meaningless without average joe.

So sad man, it’s just flipping pathetic.


I have a friend who’s still there only because his salary is excellent… he’s a very unhappy man. Paying the bills > happiness sadly.

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way more people have quit playing WoW than have made I Quit posts lol


This is why wow is “failing.” People actually do not remember.

Vanilla, TBC and Wrath had gear tied to rating.

Naxx40, Sunwell, Ulduar HM and ICC Heroic started this.

It is pathetic how rose tinted the player-base has become.

They dont care about the 15$ a month they care about you being in retail buying tokens and things in the shop.

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Ah yes, they didn’t care about the massive surge in subs when classic came out.

upwards of 15 million a month from subs of just 1 million people is still 15 million a month. They know the vast majority of players on classic will never touch retail, they have the stats.

seeing as how this is all your opinion, with not even a basis founded on logic, i would have to assume that your reply is meaningless

Vanilla did not have arena nor did it have ratings. Rank is not the same thing.

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They actually care about it quite a bit. Subs pay their nut, which allows microtransactions to be pure profit.

If they didn’t care about subs they would report an honest number on them instead of obfuscating them behind their average subs per month unit or whatever they’re calling it.

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You don’t think they do massive marketing research on how something will affect profits?

And you think that the minor amount of people riled up on the forums is even a drop in overall players?

Let me blow your mind for a second, most players do not care, they don’t care that there is boost, they don’t care you can buy a mount.

More people will care about the arena changes then will care about anything monetary, and even THAT won’t kill TBCC.

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Yeah, having a family to feed changes your perspective.

That’s why I gave up my dreams of showbiz.

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Hey, sometimes you can get lucky and get a job you don’t hate that pays the bills :stuck_out_tongue:

Though getting a job doing something you love is actually not the greatest thing, because making something you love into work is a good way to kill that love.

I have friends in game development, none of them ever want to play games anymore.

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Well; now days there is YouTube; put together some side show kinda stuff, keep refining it and (also back this up with a dedicated website hosted on your own actual server with backups)

Put it out there, keep refining it, objectively look at what people like about it, don’t overdo anything don’t get too into a formula and entertain people; they will watch.

Does require you have the time to do that tho, and family also requires time.

I got a job shooting at people that I loved, until the day I found out they shoot back.

Edit for clarity: I loved shooting at “people” not shooting at “people that I loved”.

Sort of like my OnlyFans but with fewer masks?