Some Alliance Priests Need To Die Or Retire

Elune was part of the “great ordering of Light and Shadow”. She has Light and Shadow powers. She created the Naaru.

Tyrande respecced Shadow now.

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Elune’s power is not in light or void. Never has been. This rubbish that ‘Elune is a void lord’ is just inane head canon from players trying to justify the burning of Teldrassil.

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Actually it’s a hostile theocracy that uses a secret police to rule it’s people.

"I stumbled upon a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow.

If Elune did create Xe’ra, then it stands to reason that we could use the Tears of Elune to unlock the secrets of Light’s Heart."

Then we use the Tears of Elune and the Light’s Heart unlocks. Which means Elune created Xe’ra for sure. Which means Elune was part of the Ordering of Light and Shadow. Which means she has Light and Shadow Powers.


This would be a perfect way to have Illidan hurl himself toward Azeroth like an asteroid and give the Alliance an interesting character in place since WC3. It would make up for losing Khadgar to neutrality.

Have her die to the Horde.

Tyrande can be decent now, they just need to stop focusing on human lore and let her get actual revenge.

Moira is decent.

Kille Velen. His story is done.

Kill Anduin. The traitor boy king, who cries a lot and comes up with excuses, and a pathetic leader

Nooooo! I like Andy! He’s cool!


Illidan broods too much already. If he becomes any more Emo, then I think I’ll puke. lol

Correct, before light and shadow existed Elune existed. Elune is not a being of light nor void. Elune is associated with the arcane and to a lesser extent water elementals.

yea, no, unless it means Illidan is the one razing Horde cities to the ground, massacring horde civilians and working on being a one-demon hunter extinction event for Horde scum, Tyrande is going to be the one doing this. If she seeks peace, then she can die along with any other Alliance coward who wants to hold hands with genocidal monsters.

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Anduin deserves a good beheading

This is what I want. The Alliance to be the aggressors. And not for any righteous reason.

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Flash Heal is definitely a priest spell.

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Nothing existed before Light and Shadow. Light and Shadow mixing together is what created the Universe.

Elune was part of that.

Okay, so she does use a couple Shadow spells, but that still doesn’t make her infused with Void, like some people on the forums claim she is. Which is why I said something in here in the first place after someone said if her and Velen touched, they’d explode. She’s just a Priestess of Elune. Back in the day, there was no Void. It was Light and Shadow. And priests knew both sides of that coin. It wasn’t till Legion that they made Shadow Priests bat crazy and now people think Tyrande is some Void crazed person. Which she’s not.

Elune is Arcane, Light and Shadow-- as is Tyrande as her avatar. But this whole claim of Tyrande drinking the old God kool-aid and Elune being a Void entity is getting old.


Not merely aggressors. I want to exterminate the horde. I want quests involving massacring horde civilians and razing their cities to the ground, and you Horde players can have quests where you are getting mowed over in a tide of vengeance and have an ill-fated effort to save as many horde civilians as you can but never save more than a handful before being overwhelmed.

All we know is she may have had a hand in creating Xera. Elune is something different from Naaru and their Void lord counterparts.

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I wish we had more focus in voice acting. Some of the work I’ve heard is downright pitiful. Even if all the mouth says is “peanut butter NOM NOM OW” I want the voice to be thrilling, otherwise you’re torturing me, not entertaining me.

According to Chronicle, “Shadow” and “Void”, when used to describe the Magic, are synonyms. That Shadow is the Void.

But that’s OK. The Void is not dirty. Half of the universe is made of Void. The Void Lords and their minions are bad. They make people crazy. But the Shadow isn’t just the Void Lords. There’s much more to it.

Conflating an eclipse with void magic is the issue though. Druids have eclipse phases in their moonkin form, it’s a nod to Elune. The Night Warrior is a new moon phase, the darkest phase of the moon. There is no void energy, no tentacles, no old gods, no corruption or seething tendrils of madness, there’s just the new moon and a war face that is needed to make the Horde pay for its war crimes in the only way they understand.

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And that’s an entirely new concept, remember? As I said, that whole Void bs didn’t exist until more recently. They changed the lore. And it’s made a mess of things.

School - Shadow

The game didn’t have to give a School to that spell. It doesn’t do damage. It can’t be interrupted. But they did it anyway. So they did it for a reason. And they didn’t make it Arcane. So they did it to tell us that this was Shadow Magic.

Shadow Magic isn’t just about tentacles, old gods and corruption. Sometimes shadow is just shadow.