Some Alliance Priests Need To Die Or Retire

Tyrande dying has my vote!

Well maybe you should tell that to the troglodytes insinuating ‘Elune is a void lord nyuck nyuck’ 99% of them being horde rabble.
but you can cite all the game mechanics you want as a source but game mechanics =/= canon. They gave it a school because there are still remnants of resistances left over so everything needs a school if it’s not physical.

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Possibly, but she isn’t as bad as the Brooding Malf or his people neglecting wife.

As I always say, I think Elune’s true form is this universe’s equivalent to the Void Realm’s Void Lords.

Because this universe is 50% Light and 50% Void, Elune is 50% Light and 50% Void.

So Elune is a Disc Lord lol

Why must solitaire perish for the sins of WoW?

Except Elune is not associated with the Light nor Shadow lol. We’re going in circles here.

Quest text says otherwise. If you disagree, take it to the writers lol

I agree with this so much. As a leader you’re not supposed to act on emotion - it only leads to tragedy of your causing to innocent ppl. He went off to take care of things himself and it cost us Y’sera(even if it was just “in a dream”).

Tyrande went off on a mission to find him, neglectful to her ppl, leading us here and there to find “Her Beloved” (again, even if it was “just a dream”) and proved that their ppl do not matter in the least.

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the quest text says Elune may have made Xera. it says nothing else about her nature. one quest doesn’t overrule a mountain of prior lore. Quests in ashenvale, winterspring, desolace and elsewhere offer far more insight than that Legion quest ever did.

That was in 2011 (Cataclysm).

Elune has been confirmed as having the same type of powers as the Naaru for 8 years now.

…Tyrande uses a bow and has animal companions.

She may be a priestess of Elune, but she’s clearly a hunter.

Hell, Heroes of the Storm even calls her a hunter:

" A peerless hunter by moonlight and the chosen of the goddess Tyrande Whisperwind has led the night elves in war for ages."

I thought so too, but he apparently abandoned his hunter roots sometime during WoW, as he now fights with a sword, rather than with a bow.

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flash heal = priest skill
flash of light = pally skill

but beyond that…

Anduin claims be a priest except…

  • Wears plate armor

  • uses sword (afaik priest cant use them…)

He is 100% a pally now.

Well, we are a holy people, unlike the Horde which are led by an undead spawn of Hell. Extra priests make sense.

Hey, that makes as much sense as your argument.

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Not a priest, wields a sword.

Is a priest, doesnt matter what he wields.


Blizz says Priests can’t use Swords.

Available Weapons
Daggers, One-Handed Maces, Staves, Wands

Blizz also says hero lore characters arent bound to class restrictions and game mechanics. They also say anduins a priest.


Good, being part of the Alliance hasn’t done anything for us anyway. Where do I sign for Shandris/Maeiv 2020?


Blizzard says a lot of things. They lie/have no idea what they’re talking about half of the time.

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Tyrande has always used a bow too. NPCs just aren’t restricted by gameplay rules.

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