Some Alliance Priests Need To Die Or Retire

problem is we’ve already seen “old anduin” and Velen riding off to defeat “the shadow” in the distant future.

Though there is an arguement for Tyrande needing to get the boot and being more hunter then priest at this point.

and Moira just needs to be relevant, I know this is going to shock some people but… female dwarfs are never in the story and yet… their main racial leader is a female.

Eh, I would rather both Malfurion and Tyrande die. Their interactions in Val’sharah during Legion made me want to A: Puke and B: toss my computer in to a dumpster, light it on fire before pushing it off of a cliff.

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Just to be clear, that “Malfurion” crying and begging for Tyrande to save him was an Illusion created by Xavius with his Nightmare powers. The real Malfurin remained defiant in the Val’sharah dungeon.



Maybe so, but Malfurion also needs to die for his lackluster performance in his “NOOOOOOO!” when Cenarious was corrupted. That’s unforgivable.

This is a proper No.

Do you hear the emotion? The depth of feeling? It’s what all “NOOOOO!” should be!

This is a not a no.

This is just a sad excuse for a no, there’s no emotion behind it; I can’t even relate. It sounds as if the corruption of Cenarious was just a minor inconvenience.


Liked it better when we had a warrior high king but we still have Genn I guess. How about the horde get some priests in leadership?

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The Horde has Talanji. One Priest is enough.

All those priests should upgrade to paladin! :sparkles:

Except she’s using Arcane. Not Void.

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Oh Darling, The poor thing has a huge void between her ears. 10000 years old and acts like a spoiled 16 year old.

Did they confirm anduin wasn’t a paladin at Blizzcon?

Tyrande Night Warrior has Shadow-school spells.

(Technically the last one is classified as “Physical” but the word “umbral” means “related to shadow” lol)

Sure it was an illusion, however Tyrande believed it fully. Therefore acting like that was not out of the ordinary for Furion.

The devs have said more than once that Anduin is still a priest, is not a paladin, and that NPCs do not follow the same rules as player classes.

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That’s what I thought

I don’t see how Anduin is breaking any rules at all.

This is a Priest.

This is a very good point.

Besides, its not like we need these guys to fill out a raid group or a 5 man-- our priests are fine ^.^

if it actually involved any shadow magic you’d have a point.

Night Elves are not matriarchal. But good god, a neutral druid leading the night elves is the last thing they need.

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I don’t see him as a paladin personally. I just remember people started with that after the one comic where he uses what looks like a hammer made of light. The mass heal he did in the cinematic keeps getting called a mass rez which apparently is a paladin thing?? And now that he has Varian’s sword and was in full armor in the cinematic people see that as proof of his being a paladin as well.

I just remember the devs saying that NPCS don’t follow normal rules in response to people calling him a paladin, claiming he wasn’t doing “priestly” things. :woman_shrugging:

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It involves sacrificing a person to conjure black magic beams from the sky. That’s shady.

After that she started doing Shadow Magic everywhere.

It’s specific to the moon though, it’s the shadow of the moon. It features in other night elf lore, has nothing to do with the void or shadow magic. Forsaken have more shadow magic and shadow worship in their culture than night elves.

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