SoM was a failure

Easy. You might be looking to expand your guild because an influx of new players rolled on the server by the thousands.

Once these guys get 60, they can immediately get attuned for MC and BWL simultaneously, and the guild uses a gearing method such as this:

MC BWL AQ (ex) new recruits gearing raid. The guild veterans simply run 20 players, a tank with TF and full t3, every melee has gressil and full t3, the healers are full t3 and there are 10 Atiesh in the raid on mages and priests.

The rest of the 20 green/blue geared fresh meat just attend and loot the gear. Literally no need for prebis.

In other words, the game would simply become unrealistic and would be no better than the behavior you see in tbc, and soon to be wrath. Believe it or not, classic era players play in the exact same fashion as tbc players, just not on tbc.

If you don’t think this will happen 100%, then I got a bridge to sell you.

Regardless, I still stand on the hill that you aren’t going to sell a classic+ product to people who are informed it’s on the era server when people have been farming naxx for 4 years and however your market looks like at the time. It is a totally selfish expectation and it is inconsiderate of what other players want. You signed up for classic era knowing full well what it was. A museum piece to never be changed. Classic plus should be a separate entity


There have been some interesting suggestions for this but the fighting over who will get these development scraps if they are even offered is sad.

I do disagree with the shortcut gearing model you presented and how prevelent it would be. If Era isn’t going anywhere then why the rush? Even if Era gets the Plus treatment there’s still going to be time to gear up the traditional way and learn to work with their raid team so progression into Plus is productive.

Of course there will be people that want to fast track but are those the same fresh followers that believe after a few months, the bloom is off the rose and a newer experience is needed? Maybe seasonal is for those that need that constant new game feel. I don’t know.


There is always the ability to not rush and not take part in the “race”. But I will offer a few other examples of why mixing the two simply will never coexist.

Ranking- let us not forget about the naxx geared warriors debacle, where MoM warriors transferred over to the AU server to q up against som players. These guys were just Bull dozing through entire raids like they were farming ZF zombies, and would highly affect the way ranking works.

Gatekeeping of early game materials before the classic plus launch to exploit new players

There will be no AQ war effort as it was done 4 years ago, so the title and the wpvp will not exist.

Legion invasion would not exist.

There will be too many holes, by stacking a + into era

If bracket organization is a thing, new folk on both factions will be working with established players. It may be slower but still doable and no one is talking about collusion or wintrading.

Elaborate on what you mean by this. If you are speaking of professions then again the Era players are invested in seeing the game thrive so getting a guild to assist is quite reasonable and doable as far as gathering. People trying to play devilsaur mafia can be outmaneuvered.

Requests have been made to have both of these as annual replays. If approved or even modified (ie no new scarab lords but all other events) then this concern is moot.

Era could be just fine for all with the Plus treatment.

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You do bring up some decent points with repeatable events, creating reasons to do things. I just can’t get by it being too popular without a wipe and remake, because classic plus could essentially never end, but I don’t think the average gamer of 2022 would do it on an era but that’s just my opinion. I personally have an insanely geared shaman cloned, and would fire it up for +. However if a fresh wipe was offered I’d do that instead because coordinating guilds/factions and game plans are pretty fun

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I totally see your points as well.

That is why arguing over who should get Plus or how it should be implemented is sad to me. There’s a lot of overlap that could be built on.

It’s just as frustrating to think that Blizz will do nothing.

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What really is funny is that classic plus most likely will never happen. But it’s fun to dream. Wcyd

Instead of Plus they decided to delete Classic characters not yet cloned. Nice.

Nonsense. It is and will forever be the version of WoW that doesn’t progress down retail’s path of expansions (TBC/WotLK/etc.) That certainly doesn’t preclude it from developing its own Classic+. The claims of identical play between Era and TBC and accusations of selfishness honestly just sound like projection.

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it really isn’t. Everyone does the same thing, make alts, gear them in the same raids over and over again, the only difference is TBC players don’t carry the belief that everything must be a certain way.

I’d actually argue that the purist “classic soul” players are far more totalitarian than retail personalities or tbc/wrath players. These guys tend to be unwelcoming to anyone conforming to their purist ideology, and will go so far as to not welcome anyone different than themselves. tbc and wotlk players dont do that. I dont even play tbc, this is just my observation. Before som launched, era players stated era should NEVER be changed. Under any circumstances. Why is that different now?

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You mustn’t have spoken with many era players then. Plenty respond positively to change, provided they are good ones. The chronoboon displacer is almost universally hailed as an elegant solution that fits perfectly into the Classic World. It sounds almost as if you’re trying to paint Era players as a bunch of #NoChanges nutcases but anyone who has played any iteration of Classic can see that #NoChanges was NEVER on the table to begin with. It’s a red herring and is commonly used as a silencing technique to discredit and ignore the Era population. For one reason or another the players on Era chose to play in a version of Azeroth before Blizzard went down their expansion timeline. It is a massive world that’s ripe with opportunities to rediscover ones’ reasons for falling in love with this game and/or uncover new ones with the potential addition of Classic+ content that can coexist harmoniously.

SOM died because of changes. Anyone who played classic and understood the hype knew world buffs were the reason classic was so good. People argued against this point, but look where we are now?

I take a neutral, and non-biased standpoint.

Look at those players who like a “Fresh start”. Where are they now? Gone.
Look at the players who like Classic Forever. Where are they now? Still playing.

The emphasis should be on Classic Forever players for Classic Era. Not players who want a “Fresh start”. These players can play TBC or wotlk, because there will always be a “fresh start” every seasson and every expansion.

The economy will be ruined within 30 days thanks to those who like to exploit the AH.
SOM has the war effort now, and the population is dwindling still.

Months before there were so many people yelling for a “fresh start”. After phase 2/3, they seem to have disappeared even wayyy before the AQ opening event.

There is a reason to farm. It is called “progression”. You will get express geared yes, but you are still required to run through MC, BWL, AQ40. I hope you understand the guilds on classic era are not going to let someone who is not even in pre-bis enter Naxx.

TLDR; Focus should be on Classic Forever long-term players. Not short-term “fresh players”.

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Blizz’s focus is perfectly backwards on this whole constellation of issues.

Classic Andys are a niche of a niche. Why not start small for concepts that cater to the elite-minded player?

Do one PvP and one PvE per region (e.g. US East/West) then allow for free transfers to new realms at set population breaks after a period of a few months, Grow the game organically until it reaches a stable equilibrium.

And slow the pace of patches vs. the original rather than accelerating it. Compared with the years we first played these old releases, most of us have less free time.

If you pace progression too slowly, you only risk boring some players who might find something else to do for X months. But if your character(s) fall behind in over-paced progression, more people will simply quit playing those characters. You can’t catch up unless you spend a month’s worth of vacation time grinding.

Even then, good luck finding enough players who want to run “old” content to group with.

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Yea I do recognize no one in bad gear is going to naxx, that’s why I listed mc-bwl-aq in the example. This would 100% happen and is why I stated there is no reason to relentlessly farm prebis and early crafrables etc. arcanite reaper? Lol.

/who caps out at 50 people

The people that play with the ‘put forth the least amount of effort possible to get gear’/‘boost me’ mindset will play that way regardless if the realm is fresh or not. SoM had scores of players chasing the easy ranks to circumvent craftable/pve prebis lists. Its a player, not realm,quality. The ones that enjoy collecting, crafting, and aquiring every new upgrade as it becomes available will continue to do so.


There is a huge difference between relentlessly farming pre-bis and a decent reasonable time to farm them.

I can’t speak for you but most people who I have played in classic 2019, preferred a shorter time to farm pre-bis and preferred to get their BIS asap because they knew it would have a huge and good impact for them on pvp, and their raiding needs.

I would say its a logical assumption no one wants to get stuck in pre-bis forever. Pre-bis is just a means to an end.

Everyone with a brain(me) knew SOM was going to be a failure.

Season of Mastery is a dead concept and blizzard won’t likely do it again.


Heres an idea for Blizzard. Keep the world, Create new quests, rotate around old quests. Move around the NPCs and the mobs. Rename and reconfigure all the loot. Add a few dungeons and raids and I bet you will get a bunch of people to play again. But that will take some money and effort but one things for sure the old horse has been beaten to death.

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