SoM tanking

boy if you’re getting an adrenaline rush from braindead classic raiding you have just about the most boring life imaginable

Literal bot replying to me on some retail nonsense toon. Imagine flaming classic but ur gonna play it again

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2 digit iq’er can’t differentiate between playing a game and mocking someone for a self proclaimed ‘adrenaline rush’ from the easiest content humanly possible. Absolutely hilarious

show any evidence for this whatsoever

Who was your main-server in classic

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I cant post link but you can google that quote from a dev back then :

World of Warcraft doesn’t currently support an unlimited number of debuffs, but such is something that could be possible through change to our code. However, such code change would take valuable programmer time, which is best used elsewhere for the time being.

This one is about debuff limit, but I know that it was the same problem for same buff/debuff applying to the same target.

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Funny thing is, stacking 5 hots on a tank would still be far less efficient / effective than 5 paladins just spamming flash of light.

The changes you are looking for are in the crusade patch.

huh that’s a good idea. Maybe we could bolster a new class to tank, so we have more tanking options.

How about shaman tanking? sounds wild I know.

Irregardless of design, players have discovered ways to optimize feral druids. To the point that having one in a 40 man team is optimal. Feral tanks with mcp are threat gen machines. Not to mention safe threat gen machines. For a warrior to match druid threat, they have to be fury prot, dual wielding, and popping cds.

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this post has a fixation on one certain aspect of gaming (and life, too) and that is, romanticizing what you “aren’t currently”
warrior will complain they can’t sustain themselves.
druids will complain they can’t be warrior tanks.
rogues will complain they can’t pve like they can pvp.
warlocks will complain they can’t be a mage and drop threat.
mages will complain they need a nerf…
hunters will complain their pet gets in the way half the time.
and priests will complain their healbots.
in the end, all classes suffer from one thing, and that’s analyzing it too far.
and in the end, all classes have positives and negatives,
you as the player in the Season of Mastery have to master which is your own maximum enjoyment, i think thats easily the point of this

Boy. It is so funny to look back on this post now and see what it turned into and what SOD ended up becoming…

Please talk about SOD in SOM/SOD Forums, SOD is Retail in Classic Skin that is what it became 1000% retail with classic skin.

I got ya man but as you may know at the time of this post they did not even have a SOD forum lol.

I’m never a fan of necros but you’re the OP looking back and that’s fair. They went in a very different direction with SoD though, and I like that they’re being experimental even if the experiment isn’t for me. They went so far away from Classic that I’m not even sure why they put it in the Vanilla world, except maybe they didn’t have much choice since WotLK was just ending and Cata was just beginning.

It is popular though… when you look at the raid logs via there are four times as many. It’s not the best metric but it’s the only one we have, and this far into SoD I think it’s safe to say people like it for the most part. It did dip down to Era levels but picked back up with new content, while Era has been holding steady for the last 6-7 months or so.

This is pure speculation, but I’d be willing to bet that it’s less to do with the crazy runes and power balance and more to do with just having more content to do. I wonder what kind of impact adding a new set of dungeons and a raid to an otherwise unchanged Classic Era (as a new season on different servers) would have and if it would draw a similar crowd. Those of us still playing Era love it for its mechanics and gameplay and so are willing to do the same raids over and over again, but I think it’s pretty reasonable to say that most folks like having new things to experience.

You can still move this entire threat to SoD with the drop down menu where you name the thread. Click Edit and then move the thing to the correct location.