This is the most insane rationalization of “hardcore” guilds I have ever read. “Competent” players are better because they run weaker raid comps and still clear? The mental gymnastics are strong here. A guild uses wbuffs because they’re bad and need them? Quite the opposite, these guys have replayed vanilla over and over again. The content is not and never will be challenging. Hating on a guild that finds low speed clear times fun is beyond laughable
I think it’s cute people want druid HoTs to stack. so what, you can stack 5 HoTs on the main tank at all times? how about no. sounds cheesy as hell
Hey, if you find more fun in turning every game into a mindless loot piñata via strict spreadsheet formulas & meta-obsessing then more power to you - though it sort of brings to mind (at least to me) the image of a driving enthusiast buying a 100% self-driving car & then patting themselves on the back for their automotive prowess.
Well excuse me for wanting that rushy adrenaline feeling with my dmf speed run once a month. Most vanilla vets want to get out of the raids ASAP with their pvp items and go play the other 80% of the game. People who flame on good guilds I typically find to be below average players, so to each their own
Expecting core class-defining abilities to actually work within a grouping framework in a grouping game is super cheesy to an Vanilla apologist like yourself, no doubt. Carry on with your laughable defense of awful/beta game design.
Depends on how you define “good guilds” I guess. I guess we define them differently, so enjoy.
I usually find the below-average (toxic) players (& people in general in RL) to be the ones who call others below average as a compensating and/or low-quality retort mechanism.
you have 40 potential targets for your HoT. there is no reason for stacking to be allowed. the original devs obviously didn’t allow it for a reason, and I’m pretty sure the reason is they don’t want a bunch of HoTs on the main tank.
Yes we certainly do. Your guilds spam wipe and are slow and let you raid ret because normal guilds do way too much damage and make you look bad. My type of guild has already done the content for years and don’t really care if you think the game is ez because no rag submerge
Hey, have fun riding that self-driving car around the racetrack.
Enjoy mediocrity
So ironic that you would say that. But hey, have fun.
Prove it to me, if it is so ironic. I will be waiting on your answer
We obviously define mediocrity differently, since you pretty much define it from my perspective, based on how you say you choose to play the game (on strict training wheels). But, have fun if that is what floats your boat.
And what I am telling you is, by claiming top speedrunner guilds that they are mediocre for using world buffs because speed runs are fun, that you automatically qualify for ignorance. That is like saying APES or Progress are terrible because they use world buffs, while unironically also having the best of their class pvpers, even having some Carry over to glad and r1 in tbc. We can do this though, what was your Main-Server back on classic?
Hey, we just prefer/enjoy different things in the game. Have fun.
Yeah, you have a point there. But honestly, are world firsts really worth having to listen to Maitoz or laty for any period of time lol. There’s only so much euro-NEET screeching and magic disco a man can take
You embody what is wrong with the society. The amount of pure ignorance that you type, for a player that never played classic is astounding.
You never played a druid, nor saw one in a raid.
The reason they cant stack heals is because the engine didn’t allow it back then, not because of balance. Same for debuff etc.
You should see Druids in WoW Classic, they’re great at tanking. I tanked all the way up to AQ40 as a bear tank and had no issue. I would like to see Palidan tanking somewhat more viable COUGH COUGH taunt.
Yo this is part of retro gaming. People still play and compete in tournaments for Street Fighter 2, and its the same as it was in the 90s. Just because its an old game doesn’t mean it needs to be patched to be played in modern times.
We do have a retro version of the game though in classic era. That game is there for those who want world buffs and very limited changes to the original game. SoM is for people who enjoyed classic, but realised that certain changes are much needed to make the game more vanilla like.
Mage boosting, wbuff stacking, warrior stacking were never a thing in vanilla. There wasnt a whole bunch of warrior dps back in the day and a lot of them played arms and believed it to be the better dps spec.
The game has been grinded down to the bone. The majority seem to want these changes because those of us who have put the time in to actually play wow classic know that the game we played had many major issues, mainly due to us as the players being too strict with the meta. But that is the way people play games now so the meta needs changes to accommodate for us as the players ruining a lot of the experience of the game.