SoM is done!

i’m just so fed up, glinda

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Ok, i’d admit i was a bit extream.

A roll back for the affected servers should be enough, I suppose.

I don’t know.

But I feel that Blizzard should address this fully in a Blue Post, and tell us where things went wrong, and what they’re doing to fix it.

I, like others, love this game, and want to keep playing it, but this was a huge screw up on Blizzards part.

I can deal with bots, but I can’t deal with transfers from old servers onto fresh servers. It just ruins the experiance more than bots do.

I’m fed up too, glinda.

The company lost my trust and my confidence a long time ago. But, they’re still the only place to legally get WoW. So I’m stuck.

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I’m sorry, friend.

Would you like a hug?

It sounds like you really want hugs. :nauseated_face:

Don’t You (forget about me)

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The suits they wore in that video were intense!

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Wot happened now? Too lazy to see if Blizzard done goof’d somewhere on the news.

I do.


In the grand scheme of things it’s not even that big of a deal. Lionheart is probably one of the least populated realms so tracking and reversing those transfers should be easy enough. Same with any transactions taking place there, it would be stupidly obviously if someone all of a sudden had 50k gold and was spending it wildly.

It also has literally zero affect on any other server other than the poor few sods that got put in AVs against full Naxx geared people for a couple hours. Which is fixed now. So what’s the problem? If you’re not on Lionheart it can’t possibly affect you at all.


I don’t see how this is such a big deal for everyone. The only people that should be complaining are those playing on Lionheart. It literally doesn’t affect any of the rest of us. Like at all.

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It gives us a means to vent our emotional issues to a billion dollar corporation.

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God damn this community is stupidly dramatic. It’s a bug, it will be fixed, it’s only on one server, like get over it. If you like the game, play, if not, leave.

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Look at your login screen. There’s your blue post.

Have a nice soothing cup of chamomile or even Earl Grey if you like. They’re fixing it.

Right? The abject freaking is so over-the-top, I can’t tell if they’re serious.

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I’m glad I’m not alone on thinking this community is dramatic haha it’s a bit loony

You are not. I’m rolling my eyes so hard this morning that it hurts.

The sad thing is that as much as we’d like to comfort ourselves by saying they’re all super young people…no. These are grown adults freaking out like this.

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Oh dude, the very slightest misstep and this community loses its mind so fast. Every little thing is just blown way out of proportion.


Which would be entertaining if it weren’t so very pathetic and indicative of much larger societal issues.


Yea, I absolutely agree. It’s really unfortunate.

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