SoM is done!

Hang in there, buddy.

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I don’t have a purpose anymore
I have nothing now
Nothing excites me but that spell in the game and now that they have destroyed reckoning I can’t stand it

Good luck friend

Dude, serious talk…

Have a chat with someone you trust about this in real life. Your doctor, clergyman, therapist, etc.

Take care of yourself. You are of value.


I’m going to go to the fish market in Sydney to wallow in misery and eat a lobster mornay
I’m going to use it to distract me
Maybe time heals who knows

I have depression and the doctors don’t really know what to do. The med does nothing

The treatment was that spell to me but its gone now


I know to you or anyone else it’s just a stupid spell but to me I felt pride and watched hundreds of reckoning bomb videos and I always wanted to be those guys

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Then try a different treatment or a different doctor.

Depression is a liar that we believe because it talks in our own voice.

Also, I really, really want seafood now.

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Giant bugs.

If you ever go to Sydney fish market get the lobster Mornay and if you ever to to Sydney australia
Try the Lamono lebanese avocado non alcoholic fruit juice cocktail in merrylands
And the WingMill in neutral bay they have nice crispy classic chicken burgers and myssy seafood they have the best fish and chips and tessi scallop and mussels

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I live so far away from the ocean.

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Do I need do educate you on the bounty of the ocean, as well?

Also, blocked, reported.

Im sorry you live far but Thanks for helping me Glinda but I just can’t return to the game unless that spell is 400ms
I don’t expect 400ms for every broken spell or crowd control.
Just the spells that won’t kill the game

Take care friend

You as well

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so believe it or not, bugs happen. it was on one server where there was an issue. when they got to work this morning they handled it swiftly. get over it.

How are they this incompetent?

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Are we still virtue signaling here or is it over?

Arthropods are gross.

You’re gross.



ETA… I hate to admit it, but I said “yeah, boyyyyyeee!” and made the gesture after I posted that.

Simple minds are amused by simple things.

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So very, very true.

On the plus side, I’m never bored.

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stop saying things

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You seem disturbed, friend.

Might I offer you a hug?

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