SoM is done!

Okay, you’re a paladin, so I will use small words.

  1. Blizzard enabled server transfers from an Era server to a SoM server.
  2. Blizzard accepted money from customers who used the server transfers that Blizzard enabled.
  3. Once those customers transferred, they engaged with the game and other players in ways that are completely legitimate according to rule and custom.
  4. None of the players’ actions involved exploitation of a bug, because there was never any bug. :bug:

That’s what the edgelords cling to believing so they can continue their degenerate behavior and continue griefing to get attention.

In reality they get banned.


I 100% agree. This is totally the fault of Blizzard. Because money transactions occurred they are legally bound to uphold some portion of the blame and the customer could sue them technically if they banned them after the purchase. It’s in the Legal stuff with commerce and sales.


You guys are delusional if you think the exploiters won’t get banned.

Throw around all the crap you’ve read with legality and the rules.

Blizzard isn’t gonna let them walk. They will be permanently banned.

theres too many of them, have u tried queing av

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There isn’t a lot of players doing this.

Most people don’t even have cloned era characters because it’s a gimmick cash grab.

Then the amount of players willing to risk their account for a few hours of trolling? Let’s be real.

This is a situation where a bunch of wow haters are jumping on the bandwagon and amplifying the message because misery loves company.

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anything blizzard says is an exploit is an exploit
nobody is gonna sue blizzard over $25 of transfer fees
and nobody is gonna have any sympathy for people who did it
the end

Im just here to watch the SoM players seething at something that’s going to be fixed/rolled bck and punished for 100% by Monday.

Just take the weekend off and chill.


well that’s not surprising, it’s not like you have anything fun to do in TBCC :roll_eyes:

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I don’t think there’s anyone rational who believes the transfers won’t be reversed, the customers’ money refunded, and all the gold that was funneled into the server deleted.

That doesn’t mean the customers exploited a bug or should be banned.


Let’s put to them this way., They are very very careful about payments. You missed a payment? No WoW. You need to subscribe? You need to have a checking or credit card. It requires a service and you get a statement email thanking you for your purchase detailing what you’ve done.

If I did it I would reply to them with my confirmation email.

I legit got nothing else to do in TBC lol. TBC is zzzzzzzzz, but I also don’t want to do another round of Classic after just finishing it as I got no copium/nostalgia for it like the older 30-40 year old players do.

I wasn’t a kid who grew up with vanilla, but an adult who joined classic bc it was a better game thematically and had class fantasy than BFA.

Im super burnt out on WoW so im off playing other games like Shin Megami Tensei 5 and FF14. Only time I log on to WoW is for Raid night with my friends now.


My understanding is that this was pretty isolated. If this was intended, a blue post would likely have announced it. I suspect we will be seeing a blue post soon that says this was a mistake. I cannot fathom Blizzard intentionally allowing transfers from Era into SoM.

Of course it wasn’t intentional.

It also wasn’t a bug.

I never said it was a bug, so I’m not sure what you’re going on about.

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If you intentionally go out of your way to punk blizzard and they can document every part of it you did, they will 1000000% ban you.

They aren’t okay with this, they weren’t born yesterday.

Proving intent is difficult.

What are yall on about? The characters that transferred from era are not going to stay and the gold they bring will not either. They will handle it just like they handle caught gold buyers. Like i get it this wasn’t suppose to happen but the servers are not doomed forever.
Just relax you paranoid monkeys. Rollbacks/server wipes are not necessary.

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you do know u can bring a char to the au realm , trade gold to an alt then transfer said alt to another som server. blizz cant catch gold buyers or bots but u think theyre gonna track all the gold/items give it a rest

Yep but this is not a court of law. So it does not have to be flawless evidence, all they need to see is someone exploited a known bug/error/mistake, whatever you wanna call it. They can ban them.

My guess is they won’t do anything, lets be honest, who are we talking about here: Blizzard.

Though I found a fix - Log into account, unsub. Go over to ff14 store - pre-order ff14 endwalker.

See you in 4 days :slight_smile: