SoM is done!

Yes they can track the gold and they do. Anything purchased from a vendor will be deleted and the gold traded as well. They do this stuff all the time.

yes because they handled the pvp arena award fiasco in tbc so well

And any customer accessing the game in Australia would have a very strong legal argument that Blizzard broke Australia’s consumer protection laws, which Australia takes very seriously.

Boom, explosive post from top community person


Blizz doesn’t ban customers we knows this

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Doesn’t matter, it’s not a court. You agreed to the EULA, if blizzard deems it an exploit then the banhammer comes down and that’s too bad for you. This was obviously a bug, and people who used it obviously exploited (char named Indiecompany??)

They don’t need to prove anything.

Slight correction: Blizz doesn’t ban gold sellers, gold buyers, or bots.

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The EULA does NOT supersede Australian consumer protection laws.

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Who tf is even talking about Australia? These are NA players transferring onto an American server designed for AU. I guess I shouldn’t expect an anonymous poster on wow forums to be a lawyer.

Was it goblins or gnomes that have the +15 racial bonus to the Lawyering profession?

Yea, consumer protection law doesn’t shield against cheating in video games though.


This is pretty hilarious.

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nobody cares, glinda.


100% of the time I blame the company not the players. This is a paid service, not a wall hack. They fumble and stumble all over the place, and the blame should be rightfully aimed. Players that bought the transfers’ should get rolled back and refunded, simple as that.


Bro people bought thousands of gold in Classic and TBC. The ban is 3 days. Everyone I know that bought to sustain themselves in raids not even 1 got banned.

also when u get back online from being banned , you still keep all the gold and items

It’s no different than when they messed up and made it where you could buy unlimited pots and sell them (I forget what they were).
Blizzard messed up, players took advantage, players got banned.
Blizzard messed up (allowing transfers) players took advantage…
Being hung up on whether it meets the dictionary definition of “exploit” is irrelevant.


ALSO when those player became un banned , a ton of post flooded the reddit that they were able to keep a majority of gold made

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some might argue the involvement of real life money is the lynchpin on what differentiates these scenarios

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That depends on the GM. Some people get all the gold as well as items they bought taken away. Some nothing happens, but the ban itself.

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