SoM is done!

Honestly, I don’t think an intern would have the systems permissions to make a move like that. This had to be higher up.

Scared of losing your 2 weeks of progress for a 17 year old game?

Brick killed a guy.


A lot of people here seem to believe that all of SoM is ruined from this, and I dont really agree or understand why. You cant trade gold to players outside of your realm from within battlegrounds. This has always been the case. The only tradeable items between players in battlegrounds are conjured items. Also the argument that “this doesnt really affect me” is somewhat valid. It certainly sucks for AU players on that specific server that this has happened on, but the long term effects, so long as there is a rollback, are likely insignificant. The only way for that gold to make the rounds is to have the gold traded to another character on another account, then transfer that character to other servers with the gold in their inventory. and even if a rogue 20,000 gold ended up on any specific server I dont think it would heavily effect the economy on large. Many people are now hitting 60 and farming gold already.

I expected this. I played, I had hope, but this clearly shows that this was misplaced. Afterall this company does not care about its customers, they have demonstrated this for many years now.


the problem is that this shouldn’t have happened in the first place, and that the issue is such a “in your face” oversight that it just cements the picture that this company does not give a Rats A$$ about this game even further.

Like how are you gonna launch the game and not double check this? And its not like this is the only bug here or the one that might flare up on the radar. Its just the icing on the cake, considering the rest.

Even the furthest of caveman players who never check anything or read up on anything has heard of this by now. Its pure negligence or lack of interest.

Why should we pay monthly the same amount we paid we 15 years ago when the same company who provided the service to this game 15 years ago can not be bothered to put in even the smallest lack of effort.

I mean 1.14 is worse than 1.13… come on. Atleast death ray worked on 1.13


Honestly watching this go down is making me laugh so hard. MoM PVP warriors is fun af and the fact that this transfer issue was overlooked shows how rushed SoM was to please investors.

Easiest rollback would be to look at who transfered to Lionheart, and reversing the transfer and deleting all the gold and items that came from that list of transferred chars.

Blizz does have logs on gold transfers, and items bought with said gold which means they can just take out someone’s epic riding and the mount bc it was bought with this illegit gold.

Items can just be searched and they can just forcibly remove anything that isnt from p1.

This is obviously a glitch that needs to be corrected.

It is not the end of the world. It is very easy to track a character and what that character has transferred to other players, including gold. Like stupidly easy. If you interact with this exploit I’d assume a ban is coming your way, if you accept items from the exploiter you’ll likely be banned as well.

I think blizzard is a joke for a long list of reasons. However, this one server only glitch isn’t game breaking. It can be rectified in a variety of different ways. Blizzard sucks yes, SoM and vanilla are good games.

You guys need to grow up.


The intern getting drunk and turning on server transfers from an Era server to a SoM server is NOT a bug, it is a feature.


Turning on server transfers and collecting money from those who transfer is NOT a 🪲🐛🪲.

I’m not worried.

Anyone who tries to get away with this is a moron, and deserves whatever ban they get.

It’ll get fixed.

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Its probably going to be minor considering gold buying as stated in a recent dev interview is 3 days. Doubt this will be more.

By this definition, everyone who pays money to log into the game should be banned.

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That doesn’t make any sense.

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Using a paid service that blizzard put into the game is not an exploit.

Thats the point, find it on the map.


Multidollar company doesn’t care about your ultimatums, narcissistic weirdo.

F around and find out edgelord

People used to get perma’d for exploits like this, just wipe the characters or ban the accounts. This is obviously not intended in any way.

You will 1000% be banned for doing this.

SoM and Era are clearly two separate things… SoM was supposed to be a fresh start. You can choose to ignore that, if you want. But that’s on you.