[SoM] Community Council Dart Board

Why is there still no post about the SoM server populations and transfers? The most viewed thread is about that and there are daily threads asking for it to be addressed.

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Well, if you read the initial post, you would understand why it’s not addressed in this thread. But at least you all are relentless.

The second bullet point, hun.

Is this referring to the blue response to your post regarding TBC servers or are you aware if there’s an announcement regarding SoM servers soon?

In the response, Aggrend says "I’ll also be the first to acknowledge that we probably should have done this sooner. " Now is sooner in the case of SoM (please help Mutanus is dead)

Wouldn’t it be wild if the reason they don’t do server merges is because players wouldn’t get their name. So instead you can pay $25 and lose your name anyway.

Wait a second…


What in the world are you going on about? OP is “original post” and I never said there was an “official communications” in the thread nor did I mix the ideas – I quoted the OP, get it?

I’d say decaf but I think you need the real stuff.

Then again I’m responding to a blank quote, after you go on lecturing someone about how to quote things.


It just might be rocket science.

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I used a generalized statement because I knew some comments were being worked on specifically to my TBC state of servers post (which in hindsight could’ve been labeled as all realms not just TBC). A lot of the themes/ideas from that post are relevant although it is currently specific to TBC.

I created a separate thread for SoM for clarity. I’m sure there will be some reoccurring comments/ideas relevant to the other post, but with a separate post I can get more precise comments on it.

I can’t say for sure how long it may take for a response, but I asked if it was better to comment on the TBC thread or make a new one and I was told to make a new one. They won’t be able to respond right away but should see some hopeful answers in the next week or two. I know it’s way late already but they are aware.


Thanks so much for posting that one! Your posts have a solid response rate so my hopes are high. Never thought you’d be my hero again outside of 2 years of simcrafts <3

Half the player base was banned today for gold buying. This is because there are no gold farms in som with the node buffs and nerfs. Are we going to say the change was a mistake or proper? I’ll wait

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Here are my QOL suggestions for SOM season 2:

  1. Catchup XP mechanic as described by “Solheim Gaming” in this VIDEO .
  2. Reduce skill training costs to compensate for the increased XP rates.
  3. Provide only 1 PVE and 1 PVP server per region (since layering works really well) .
  4. ADD dual spec even if it has an epic mount level cost to activate.
  5. ADD itemized gear for all MEME specs.
  6. ADD guild banks.
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(Edit: This was in response to a now deleted post. Please disregard.)

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Any updates on the server transfers? Surely something this week its been over a month now and still nothing… Whats the point of the community council at this point, you are pretty much just one of us with a green name.


My guess would be they’re very aware of the issue, they just aren’t willing to commit to a solution. Or willing to commit to no solution at all. They typically try to ice the community out as long as possible.

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Bump any updates


Yes! We need server transfers or connections so badly.


I visited your community council board. It’s 95% retail posts and discussion.

You’re not doing a great job representing and promoting Classic over there, and your Blizzard interface has died, they’re not talking to you guys anymore.

GG Classic Council representation.


Still no updates on server xfers? Whats the point of community council lol…

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Are you guys still on the council or is this a dead topic?


I don’t have any specific updates but I will poke the tree again! I know it seems like a never-ending waiting game but these things take time.