[SoM] Community Council Dart Board

The design made SoM Season of Meta. Small changes should have been made to allow for effective use of off-spec classes, like simply allowing meme specs to not OOM in longer fights would be a good start. I’m not saying anything drastic… but look at the raid logs.

@ Sixxfury
This is someone you definitely need to speak with as Rowaine has played point on the issues plaguing Era following the upgrade to 1.14 - the mega thread I linked was started by him and he continues to bring awareness to the presence of these bugs.

Thank you, Rowaine.
Your persistence and determination is deeply appreciated.


How long till server transfers are available? Surely its not that hard to enable them considering its been requested since week 2 or 3. The longer the wait is the more people that will quit the game and not come back. Would be good to hear an official response this week or most people will probably just give up hope. Its a shame that this season has just turned into new world 2.0 with no feedback or info from the devs.


I can guarantee that server transfers will be available in 10 months.

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Wouldn’t it be wild if the reason transfers aren’t available/delayed is that Blizz has data showing the illegal transfer of in game currency/items by gold sellers/bots increases by several orders of magnitude when transfers open?

But no. It’s probably just the usual disdain for the customer.


When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.

Does Bobby play polo?

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You got a mouse in your pocket?

Server transfers killed PvP.

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Reading is hard. No wonder we never get official communications here anymore.


(post deleted by author)

Airport, I quoted the green post that created this thread?! I don’t need to do better. They want suggestions that are not part of the server issue, since it is already being addressed.

There are like 89 other threads you can post in about the servers. This thread, respectfully, asked you not to do that here.

Also, your quote (“official post”) is for TBC servers, not SOM servers. This thread is for SOM.

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Except that there is absolutely ZERO reason for us to believe that the promise of progress is anything more than the same SOON that we’ve been getting from Blizz for the past dozen years.

Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar per year company. They can afford to put together a communications team that isn’t afraid of communicating with their customers.

Worse comes to worst, they own the hall and the soapbox. If someone violates the rules, Blizzard has the power to silence the offender.


CMs aren’t and will never be free agents.
It’s not a matter of fear. They are told what they can say and when they can say it.

The refrigerator tantrum is inappropriate.
Reine gave the response it deserved.

And I am saying Blizzards communications with their customers is not what it could be.

You’ll notice that I am not placing the blame on the so-called “Community Managers”.

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By referencing a communications team that would include the CMs. They are the customer-facing part of that team. So perhaps their supervisors is where the disconnect occurs.

Edit to avoid mucking this up any further: I felt it wasn’t fair to tar the entire team. I’m not blaming customers either for communication breakdowns. I do think that rather than taking out frustration on a fellow poster that it might be better to move on.
Also this proves I’m not your alt because why would you disagree with yourself?

Next time I’ll just say “Bobby and his ilk”.

Blaming customers for Blizzard’s problems is irrational in the extreme.


Permaban gold buyers.


There’s no PvP on dead servers, so who cares.

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Here is something I’d like to see discussed

  1. Kaivax said in the Nov. 4th post titled Season of Mastery Design Intentions part 2 regarding class /spec diversity in raids

“…we’re open to further adjustments if needed if it turns out we’re mistaken.”

I could go into detail about the data but it’s difficult to quickly encapsulate the poiniant stats so I’ll summarize for the sake of brevity:

There is a major dropoff on counted parses after warrior, rogue, warlock, mage, and hunter.
Moonkin, feral, shadow, elemental, enhancement, and ret have an incredibly low representation.

I am not of the opinion that I’d like to see all the dps classes competitive with one another and have similar theoretical outputs. I would like to narrow that gap to the point where those specs aren’t almost always seen as a negative to the raid composition.

I’ve thought of some design possibilities for those specs beyond just tuning the mana cost or damage scale or power coefficients from stats (although I think that would be reasonable in some cases).

Here are a few suggestions for my beloved Druid (admittedly borrowing some ideas):

Feral dps isnt as far behind as most people may think and the value they bring from innervate lotp and brez are significant. The thing that I think would improve their representation are some itemization changes like set bonuses. Also…
Give MCP 10 charges instead of 3

Balance is in a terrible spot. My idea to make them interesting would be to make it so that in moonkin form they can melee attack independently of their casting. This would make items like the 0.5, aq20 set, or 2.5 stats very good to both boost the output from their melee and from their casting. Maybe throw in an attack called Peck and implement the mana restore from melee that was added to the moonkin tooltip in tbc.

Also insect swarm should absolutely not break moonkin form. It seems like insect swarm is a hugely underrated raid utility so having it break the moonkin form is so incredibly crippling.


You don’t need to ask for anything, your friend can reroll.

I’ve rerolled, leveling is part of the game so no big deal, and as you state all the time when people express concerns:

Rerolling is a player-made solution for you. Take your own advice just like you enjoy tellIng people on the TBCC forums to only accept the options available with that right now. No need to beg for transfers or to expect any changes.

(I don’t actually care if this transfer solution is put out there but there are good and bad things about it, and rerolling is an option now, today.)

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