[SoM] Community Council Dart Board

Your recent reply on server transfers mentions losing one’s name.

In the smaller segments of gaming like SOM, I think universal unique names would be helpful.

So if I get the name Shygirl on naming day, that name is mine across all servers.

A person had brought up long ago the idea of server “clusters”, where the name you reserve is reserved to that cluster entirely, and if server merging happens in the future, the merge takes place within that cluster first. For SoM, it would all just be one cluster since it’s not as popular as Classic-general.

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  • Same Faction BGs.

  • Free transfers to higher pop servers from lower pop servers. Do not allow higher pop servers to transfer. Blizzard messed up with having too many servers when all they really needed were 1 pvp server and 1 pve server so now players are stuck on 200 person servers unable to do anything.

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We should get to choose last names. There’s no reason a server should have only one Glinda.

Shhhhhh, everyone, keep your comments to yourself here. LOL

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Change raids to badges instead of item drops for the tier pieces and have proper itemisation for all classes/specs across the board.

If they can change the raids to make them harder, they can change how the gear is distributed.

Most* of the class issues in Classic/SoM are solved by proper itemisation.
The feral druid “BiS” hat is a level 40 blue!
This is not okay lol

Some issues are mechanics based.

*See: Ret Paladins more or less being required to exploit(cheat) to be competitive in PVP, assuming they don’t just spec Ret/Reck.

Just go play retail

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Just go play retail

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My bad.

You don’t want your rogue to be viable for raiding? Cuz as it stands right now melee is getting mauled by the new raid mechanics.

The whole point of SoM is to be Classic+.
If your response to other people’s suggestions to improve the game are “Go play retail” why are you even in this thread?

Lemme see your overall damage logs from your 10/10 guild run please.

i imagine the reason we dont have last names already is very similar to why you cannot modify the backpack too much - the player character was just not designed for such a thing.

i’d like it but i would not be surprised if it required a lot of work and careful implimentation.

but hey maybe that’s what server health requires.

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