I’ve seen a few times now where people want to ask questions or post/bring up certain issues that maybe have or haven’t been voiced in the community council. So for the SoM/Era community, what would you like to see discussed or improved?
A couple of guidelines when posting if you can try to follow them:
- Be realistic (massive dev requirements are probably out of the picture)
- Be constructive
Somethings to keep in mind:
- at least right now there’s only a few of us from classic, I’ll try my best to respond where I can but ultimately I can’t stay glued to the forums, other members are welcome to chime in as well.
- There’s already a response that’s being worked on for the servers issue - it’s not a simple answer and it’s a very complicated process (apparently) to get certain things talked about…
Like I said in the about me: I just want the game to be good for me and anyone that plays it. I’ve put a ton of effort into supporting Aggrend and the QA team during betas and helping identify bugs or misplaced items, shaping the game to what it is today in my own way. (blame me for the machine gun autos bug being fixed for example, hunters
) I try to be unbiased where I can and I can promise you I’m not some random player that doesn’t know anything.
I want the game to be as good as it can be (without obvious redesigns). Post your comments below and I’ll read them when I can. Thanks! (reposting here too because it’s technically a separate topic)
Merge all Classic Era current servers to 1 PvE and 1 PvP. Create a new server for CE that is designated as the “fresh” that resets 6 months after Naxx release where you can then transfer off to an existing CE server, similar to SoM. Do this every 18-24 months, minimal effort and easy profit.
The truth of the matter is Blizzard should keep Classic Era as a successful museum piece. There is and always will be a community, whether big or small that wants Vanilla WoW or a close enough iteration.
They have that in CE and can continue to be profitable while using minimal resources. The code is already written, the game is somewhat polished (minus the few bugs that need to be fixed) and you have a happy playerbase that doesn’t require change or updates.
Can you just ask them to read our reports in the Bug forum and give a guestimate of an eta when all the bugs related to the update to 1.14 in Era (most seem to be hitting SoM as well) will be addressed? The 1.14 update broke tons of stuff (not talking about addons) and to date a few things only have been corrected.
We had a thread collecting all of the issues which Kaivax closed because we weren’t doing one issue per thread or something. Too many notes.
The process of going from Classic Era/SoM to current Classic (TBC Classic), etc. I really like the way Diablo II has the ability to “upgrade” a D2 character to D2 LoD at any time.
Of course who knows how things would be now (or even how they would have been had that been the way TBC Classic was introduced), but I’d love to be able to roll a Classic Era character/alt, like a shaman for example, play through the current raid content, then bring it into TBC Classic content as my next raid alt.
Flying sparkle ponies when?
May I have a ride on Bobby’s new yacht, please?
When is Blizz going to put more of an effort into communicating with their customers?
A couple threads have kicked around the idea of implementing the Scourge Invasion as an annual event in Classic Era. Players on the forums and in-game have voiced interest in collecting the Undead Slaying/Cleansing sets for alts that weren’t around during the original Invasion. The same goes for the consecrated sharpening stones/wizard oils. I think allowing the Scourge to mount annual Invasions would be a good thing for Classic Era realms.
Im assuming this is in regard to SoM so Im going to ask for some kind of further Era server consolidation. Ideally it would be reduced to a single server for each game type but Id settle for something that further unites the clusters. Any help here would be dandy.
Also, with the understanding that SoM is going to be a thing going forward Id rather not continually split up Era players by creating new or fresh servers with the same exact version of the game over and over again. It makes zero sense in the long run.
We need more discussions regarding population issues. If transfers are such a big deal, then let’s try something else because I’m on Nightfall and it’s getting deader by the minute.
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I will start by saying I have no experience with game design and have no idea how feasible my idea is. That being said, I think that a reworking and shuffling of gear would breathe new life into Classic. IMO the biggest fun killer in Classic is a meta with every inch tested to an insane degree. Classic is much less about exploration and much more about following Icy Veins and other such guides. I propose a season that reworks and shuffles all BiS and pre-raid BiS gear. Some could be done by simply changing a drop from one boss in a dungeon to a different boss in a different dungeon. Some new gear could be introduced and some old gear tweaked. For example, meme specs could be made more viable by buffing the gear used by meme specs. Imagine a season of WoW in which BiS lists are irrelevant from the start. It would make WoW less about following a guide and more about exploration. It would give the meta theorists new numbers to crunch. No one would know If their BiS came from PvP or MC or DM etc… I think that would be a lot of fun.
I’d honestly like to see more experimental changes in som, such as all races can play all classes, better itemization, maybe new content envisioned in the Classic mindset such as Hyjal/Emerald Dream.
Also being a feral tank would LOVE Mcp be changed to have timers instead of charges.
Actually I was thinking something along the lines of a Scourge Invasion themed SEASON. They need to get more crazy with the seasons. We have the normal servers to fall back on for the good ol’ classic.
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World of Warcraft Classic needs a larger variety of consumable versions of milk.
Currently there is only one kind, and I have not spoken to a single person that wants less milk in the game, actually most people have agreed that they would not mind having more varieties of milk.
This sounds like you’re suggesting creation of new content which would fall under the umbrella of “Classic+”. I’m not inherently opposed to the idea and perhaps seasons are the best place to test-run such things before it gets considered for implementation into Classic Era.
Honestly there is a lot they need to do. I remember the Horde in classic complaining about Alliance premades, then they proceed to premade into AV, shocker. So Premade v Premade, 5-man v 5-man and solo Q v Solo Q or just get rid of being able to Q as a group entirely. Ranking needs to be discussed as well, Uni papers written on how it is the WORST system ever implemented in a game, no one should spend 80+ hours a wekk grinding honor, seriously blizzard needs to fix this, i don’t care about limited developers, they make enough money to hire more people for this.
On the note of hiring people hire in game GMs to deal with the reports, auto bans are ridiculous there needs to be someone actually looking into these. I’ve reported so many horde players for Exploiting, botting and account sharing yet only the alliance seems to get hit, but whatever if you want people to not play because we see these people on 24/7 there’s obviously something going on there Game Masters would be able to solve this.
As for other things there needs to be more of an incentive to do this each year, hardcore mode is honestly pathetic, no reward for hitting 60 or even milestone levels? Did they just cobble this together last minute? It seems very rushed, i hope for next time they either reach out to the community and LISTEN or learn from what others have done to make it better.
But on the biggest note hire more people, developers for Classic/SoM and Game Masters, these two would help so much more than anything else mentioned here, it’s almost as if they just do not care anymore.
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Thanks for confirming what we’ve suspected all along (that Blizzard is unwilling to dedicate the resources needed to properly manage or develop this game).
The list of issues with SoM is massive, and all of them are the direct result of poor game development (e.g., not properly estimating player base, not responding fast enough to dwindling player population, not implementing honor system properly at launch, not fixing honor system properly for weeks [players still had rank gear way above their proper RP even weeks after Blizzard said the gear would be removed], releasing pvp system and BGs at launch with seemingly no understanding that this would ruin pre-BiS dungeon farming, the list goes on and on).
So, you want constructive feedback? Tell Blizzard to hire more game developers for this product that they are actively mismanaging.
I would like to see a season in SOM where picking your race had no racial benefit, but during the character creation process there is a pool of perks to pick from whether the same or different to customize your characters function.
This would allow picking race for aesthetic and still have racial abilities that are valid for the way you intend to play.
Botting suggestion.
My working hypothesis is that if a single account reports a bot in a secluded corner of the map or inside an instance but nobody else does then this does not even generate a ticket that a GM will review. I believe it takes multiple, perhaps at least 5 or 10 unique accounts to file a report to trigger an actual ticket that will then be reviewed by a GM.
I think accounts that report bots in-game could have some kind of counters attached to their account. Once an account has reported X number of accounts for “cheating” a percentage of their correct identifications could be used to increase the “reputation” level of that account.
Example: An account has reported “botting” 100 times and those accounts have been found to be correctly identified as bots 98 of those times this should boost their future single reports to be reviewed more quickly perhaps.
Accounts found to be getting false positives too often would have their reports get a lower value.
I know it’s unlikely that Blizzard would be willing to hire in game GM’s to actively identify some of these flyhacking botters that are rampant in Classic but this might help speed up their removal.
Ban gold buyers permanently. Beef up security so accounts are stolen.
WoW is bleeding and bots will be a huge factor in why the game will fail. World of Botcraft is the future.
Can you link this particular post?