SoM 2 PvP Leak; Will NOT Play!

You posting on that character means nothing though.

True but it’s not worth ruining the game with WBs for marginal improvements to lowbie ganking.

I disagree. If you think WBs are bad you are just a bad player.

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Only bad players need WBs.

Mad cause proven wrong.

Damn the responses here to Frostfire the troll are great. I’ll just add some comments for fun, I’ll probably get poked at in some bizarre way and that’s all good.

Actually being annoying was the worst way to get into a good group. Being a team player was the best way. That probably explains your attitude.

Interesting, I ranked on my lock in phase 2 (after ranking my druid) and had fun even though the gear for locks is meh. Why? Because I was playing with some awesome people and I PVP for fun, not for gear… and I also think flexing gear especially irrelevant gear that was obtained in the pre-patch is dumb.

The majority of us Did. Not. Care. in fact, I remember posting saying that I didn’t care. It was never about the gear for me and for those who it was it was about getting the gear when that gear was actually relevant.


Your comments suck. Try harder.

Not even mad. Really it’s just kind of sad.

Nah it was fun one shotting levelers. They pop like balloons.

Also making them miss their boats was icing on the cake. Menethil is by far the best place to gank because you can waste the most of someone’s time there.

Honestly if they just removed decay that would be the best thing. The sweats will still pump it out in a month or 2, the non sweats can do it at a casual rate and not burn themselves out. PvP participation will last a lot longer because noone will be rushing their honour grind in the first few months and then leaving the game.


ya why would we want to reward SKILL when you can just pvp 16 hour a day you know like real players

You can tell alot of people in here never hit Rank 14

Who cares about skill, vanilla isn’t an esport. Just remove decay and that’s all that needs to be done.


You not being able to respond is actually a better response :wink: Thanks!

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I don’t respond to bad comments like those all the time. Not worth the effort. I just wanted to let you know they suck so you can try harder.

I didn’t even really read them. I just skimmed.

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I’ve never done the grind because I don’t have the time to. I’m not advocating to move the goal post so it’s easier for me. I’ve accepted it and moved on.

Found this, and figured I may as well share it:

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I never denied this LUL. Again your comments suck or you lack reading comprehension.

I got the gear in P6 because rankers were mad people could get it easily.

So I got it. And I’ve posted on this character ever since then.

You never ranked… you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Only bad players think they shouldnt be used. Come back when you are better.

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Only bad players want WBs because they make the game easier.

Only bad players dont want world buffs because they dont know how to use them.

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